Search Results for: ILL

killer bees

killer bees 〈美〉(俚)杀人蜂 1979年5月,在州举行的总统预选〔Presidential Primary〕中为阻止一项有利于州保守的民主党的议案获得通过,增加共和党总统候选人约翰·B.康纳利〔John B. Connally〕的当选机会,得克萨斯州〔Texas State〕12名参议员逃离该州,使其立法机构达不到法定人数,因其离开时佩有蜂形胸针而得名。

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illusory promise

A promise that appears on its face to be so insubstantial as to impose no obligation on the promisor; an expression cloaked in promissory terms but actually containing no commitment by the promisor. • An illusory promise typically, by its terms, makes performance optional with the promisor. For example, if a guarantor promises to make

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williams act

Williams Act. A federal statute, enacted in 1968, that amended the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 by requiring investors who own more than 5% of a company’s stock to furnish certain information to the SEC and to comply with certain requirements when making a tender offer. [Cases: Securities Regulation 52.10–52.50. C.J.S. Securities Regulation §§ 121–141.]

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bill of proof

bill of proof 〈英〉所有权证明书 在执行债权扣押〔foreign attachment〕时,依照规则,被原告宣称占有被告财产的第三人〔garnishee〕不能以被告对该财产无所有权作为对扣押的抗辩。因此,他也不能表明将被扣押的财产确实属于另外的第三人。但是,真正的财产所有人可以通过提出所有权证明书来证明该项财产是属于他的。

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