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ancillary bill

ancillary bill 附属诉讼 普通法或衡平法中产生于并附属于另一诉讼的诉讼,如披露之诉〔a bill for discovery〕,判决执行之诉,撤销存在欺诈的财产转让之诉等。提起附属诉讼的目的通常是为帮助主诉的进行、使先前的判决得到履行或对先前的判决进行质疑等。

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mechanical skill

mechanical skill 技工技能 在美国专利法中,技工技能一度被作为一项标准,用以认定某一项技术是否具有发明性特征从而是否属于发明。它只是所涉技术领域的技工所应具备的技能,亦即该技工通过其专业知识的运用和对平常所需的机械工具的操作而实施的一般推理功能。如某一项技术为技工技能,则不具有创造性,不能获得专利。美国自1952年《专利法典》〔Patent Code〕始,则以「显而易见性」〔obviousness〕取代之。

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pro parte legitimus pro parte illegitimus

pro parte legitimus, pro parte illegitimus (proh pahr-tee l[schwa]-jit-[ schwa]-m[schwa]s, proh pahr-tee il-l[schwa]-jit-[schwa]-m[schwa]s). [Law Latin] Hist. Partly legitimate, partly illegitimate. • In Roman and civil law, an illegitimate child could be later legitimated through the marriage of the child’s parents. But England did not fully recognize this legitimate status.

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mill rate

mill rate. A tax applied to real property whereby each mill represents $1 of tax assessment per $1,000 of the property’s assessed value (the mill rate for taxes in this county is 10 mills, so for a home valued at $100,000, the owner will pay $1,000 in property taxes). — Also termed millage rate. [Cases:

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mutual wills

mutual wills 相互遗嘱 也称「孪生遗嘱」〔twin wills〕,指两人或数人以互惠为目的订立遗嘱,分别载明自己死后的遗产归对方继承。它们可以只作成一份法律文书,也可以分别作成数份文书。在两人都活着的时候,任何一方的遗嘱均可被撤销,但若另一个遗嘱的利益已被取得时,则不能撤销。 (→reciprocal wills)

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