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fencing patent

A patent procured for some aspect of an invention that the inventor does not intend to produce but that the inventor wants to prevent competitors from using in making improvements. • By making a claim whose only purpose is to protect other claims, the inventor seeks to “fence in” any such competing improvements. Courts disfavor […]

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calvo doctrine

Calvo doctrine. Int’l law. The rule that resident aliens have the same rights to protection as citizens, but no more. • This doctrine, which sought to establish a minimum international standard for the treatment of aliens, was developed by the Argentinian jurist Carlos Calvo in his treatise Le droit international théorique et pratique (5th ed.

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polygraph, n. A device used to evaluate truthfulness by measuring and recording involuntary physiological changes in the human body during interrogation. • Polygraph results are inadmissible as evidence in most states but are commonly used by the police as an investigative tool. — Also termed lie detector. [Cases: Criminal Law 388.5; Evidence 150. C.J.S. Criminal

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derivative, adj. Copyright. Of, relating to, or constituting a work that is taken from, translated from, adapted from, or in some way further developed from a previous work. • Copyright protection includes the exclusive right in derivative works, such as a screenplay adapted from a book, or a variant musical arrangement. See derivative work under

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united states commission on civil rights

United States Commission on Civil Rights. The agency that compiles information about discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, age, disability, or national origin, and about the denial of equal protection of the laws in voting, education, employment, and housing. • The agency makes findings and recommendations to Congress but has no enforcement power. It

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ward. 1. A person, usu. a minor, who is under a guardian’s charge or protection. See GUARDIAN(1). [Cases: Guardian and Ward 1, 9. 5.] permanent ward. A ward who has been assigned a permanent guardian, the rights of the natural parents having been terminated by a juvenile court. [Cases: Guardian and Ward 9.5; Infants 155.]

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glebe (gleeb). [fr. Latin gleba “clod of earth”] 1. Roman law. The soil of an inheritance; an agrarian estate. • Servi addicti glebae (“slaves bound to the land”) were serfs attached to and passing with the estate. 2. Eccles. law. Land possessed as part of the endowment or revenue of a church or ecclesiastical benefice.

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