Search Results for: ERA

register of wills

A public official who records probated wills, issues letters testamentary and letters of administration, and serves generally as clerk of the probate court. • The register of wills exists only in some states. [Cases: Executors and Administrators 8. C.J.S. Executors and Administrators §§ 12–13.]

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standby guardian

A parent-designated guardian who is appointed to assume responsibility for a child at a future date if the child’s parent becomes incapable of caring for the child but who does not divest the parent of custodial rights. • Several states have enacted statutes providing for a standby guardian in the case of a terminally ill

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propaganda. Int’l law. 1. The systematic dissemination of doctrine, rumor, or selected information to promote or injure a particular doctrine, view, or cause. 2. The ideas or information so disseminated. • The word propaganda originated as an abbreviated form of Congregatio de propaganda fide, a committee (of cardinals) for propagating the (Christian) faith. defamatory propaganda.

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总括保单,统保单 英语:blanket policy (comprehensive, multi-line) 法语:police globale (à tous risques), police d’assurance générale 德语:Pauschalpolice, Generalpolice 意大利语:assicurazione contro tutti i rischi 西班牙语:seguro a todo riesgo

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maintenance, n. 1. The continuation of something, such as a lawsuit. 2. The continuing possession of something, such as property. 3. The assertion of a position or opinion; the act of upholding a position in argument. 4. The care and work put into property to keep it operating and productive; general repair and upkeep. 5.

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retrial, n. A new trial of an action that has already been tried. See trial de novo under TRIAL. [Cases: Federal Civil Procedure 2311; New Trial 0. 5.] — retry, vb.

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down reversal

down reversal. Securities. A sudden market-price decline after a rising trend. • The term applies to the early stage of the decline; if the decline continues for several months, it is termed a bear market. — Also termed correction; market correction.

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