Search Results for: ERA

united states army

United States Army. The land-combat and land-operations branch of the United States armed forces. • This branch includes supporting air- and water-transport services such as the Army Air Corps. The Army includes the Regular Army (the standing force), the Army Reserve, and the Army National Guard when in active federal service, as in time of […]

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international application originating in the United States

An international-patent application that is filed in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office in accordance with the Patent Cooperation Treaty. • Under the treaty, the PTO acts as a receiving office for international applications. The applicant may or may not be seeking patent protection in the U.S. [Cases: Patents 97. C.J.S. Patents §§ 135–138, 145,

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due process clause

Due Process Clause. The constitutional provision that prohibits the government from unfairly or arbitrarily depriving a person of life, liberty, or property. • There are two Due Process Clauses in the U.S. Constitution, one in the 5th Amendment applying to the federal government, and one in the 14th Amendment applying to the states (although the

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administration action

administration action 〈英〉遗产管理诉讼 指由债权人、遗嘱执行人〔executor〕、遗产管理人〔administrator〕或与遗产有利益关系的任何人(如继承人、受遗赠人、最近的亲属〔next-of-kin〕等)在高等法院衡平分庭提起的,以保证对死者遗产进行适当管理的诉讼,可以令状〔writ〕或初始传票〔originating summons〕开始。若法院受理后发出一般遗产管理令〔order for the general administration of the estate〕,则遗嘱执行人或遗产管理人〔personal representatives〕未经法庭批准不得行使权力。债权人也不能起诉遗嘱执行人或遗产管理人要求其还债。在以前,所有的案件中都要求提供遗产管理保证书,但1972年以后,法庭可以要求遗产管理人提供保证人,对遗嘱执行人则不要求提供担保。

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infringement search

infringement search. Patents. A patent search aimed at discovering whether a product or method infringes any in-force patent. • An infringement search is usu. limited to the political territory where the patent is to be relied on. — Also termed clear-to-use search; freedom-to-operate search; FTO search. Cf. PATENTABILITY SEARCH; VALIDITY SEARCH.

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united states sentencing commission

United States Sentencing Commission. An independent commission in the judicial branch of the federal government responsible for setting and regulating guidelines for criminal sentencing in federal courts and for issuing policy statements about their application. • The President appoints its members with the advice and consent of the Senate. It was created under the Sentencing

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boon day

boon day. (usu. pl.) Hist. One of several days in the year when copyhold tenants were obliged to perform base services for the lord (such as reaping corn) without pay. — Also termed due day. — Sometimes (erroneously) termed bind day.

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court of error

court of error. 1. Hist. Formerly, the Court of Exchequer Chamber and the House of Lords. • Appeals from common-law courts lay to the Court of Exchequer Chamber, and then to the House of Lords until 1873, when the Judicature Act gave jurisdiction of superior-court appeals to the Court of Appeal. Cf. COURT OF EXCHEQUER

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