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armorial bearings

armorial bearings 纹章;盾徽 古时刻于骑士盾牌及铠甲之上的一种图案、徽章等纹章性标志,现仅作为一种独特的人身性标记而存在。贵族有权佩带纹章,最低一级有此权利的贵族是绅士〔gentry〕,而贵族等级的区别也源自祖上传下的纹章的差别。纹章的佩带由从各主要欧洲国家发展起来的纹章法来调整,在现代,纹章已经普遍地授予公共及地方管理机构、法人组织和个人,而即使在以前,也很难阻止民众采用纹章图案。所有被授权可以佩带纹章的人可以在纹章院〔College of Heralds〕付费对其家系族谱进行登记。在英格兰和爱尔兰,佩带纹章是一种世袭权利,而这种权利的证明则需要有纹章院的登记或是授权证书。很久以来,授与纹章佩带权及规范与此相关事务的权利都由皇家纹章官〔King of Arms〕享有,后者在其职权范围内代表国王,但从17世纪开始,行使该权利需要得到王室典礼官〔Earl Marshal〕的授权,而这种授权体制则是为了回应某申请纹章权者的提议而设立的。对未经授权使用纹章而提出的控诉由王室骑士法庭〔Court of Chivalry〕受理,并可向枢密院司法委员会上诉,需要注意的是前者并非普通法法庭,而采用大陆法程序。英国1803年的一项法令规定要对纹章进行征税,该法于1869年被修改,所涉纹章范围有所扩大,而这种纹章税最终被1944年的《财税法》〔Finance Act〕所取消。在苏格兰,佩带纹章是一项从国王处保有的、可继承的无形财产权,授与纹章一直是王室特权的一部分,由苏格兰皇家纹章大臣〔Lord Lyon King of Arms〕代表国王行使。从540年起,一般由国王授权纹章大臣,再由后者正式授与申请人。1672年建立了苏格兰纹章登记公署〔Public Register of All Arms and Bearings in Scotland〕,依照法律,未经登记任何人都不得持有和使用纹章,有关纹章的管辖权由纹章大臣法庭〔Lyon Court〕享有,不服其裁决可向上议院上诉。 (→arms; herald; Heralds’ College; College of Arms; King-of-Arms; Earl Marshal; court of chivalry; Lord Lyon King of Arms; lyon court)

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depository institution

depository institution. 1. An organization formed under state or federal law, authorized by law to receive deposits, and supervised and examined by a government agency for the protection of depositors. [Cases: Banks and Banking 1–62. C.J.S. Banks and Banking §§ 2–126, 480–481, 663–664, 697, 732–739, 746–748, 755, 758–783.] 2. A trust company or other institution

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deputy sheriff

An officer who, acting under the direction of a sheriff, may perform most of the duties of the sheriff’s office. • Although undersheriff is broadly synonymous with deputy sheriff, writers have sometimes distinguished between the two, suggesting that a deputy is appointed for a special occasion or purpose, while an undersheriff is permanent. — Also

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international agreement

international agreement 国际协定 不同国家间缔结的条约或协议。国际协定是国际法的主要渊源,其效力主要及于缔约方而不涉及任何第三方。国际协定的形式繁多,除条约外,还有公约、协定、备忘录、议定书、宪章、盟约、换文及谅解备忘录等。国际协定的主要作用在于解决实际存在的或者潜在的纠纷或冲突,以及在不同国家间开辟合作和一体化的新领域,发展和编纂国际法。一些国际协定还意在为一些目标而创建地区性或国际性、全球范围内的组织,相当多的国际协定十分复杂,如1944年的布雷顿森林协定建立了国际货币基金组织〔International Monetary Fund〕、国际复兴开发银行〔International Bank for Reconstruction and Development〕和关税及贸易总协定〔General Agreement on Tarriffs and Trade〕。

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parenting, n. 1. Performance of the functions of a parent. 2. One or more methods of child-rearing. parallel parenting. A situation in which divorced parents, although disagreeing on some aspects of child-rearing, allow each other to handle discipline and daily regimens in their own individual ways when with the child. shared parenting. Cooperation between divorced

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special interrogatory

A written jury question whose answer is required to supplement a general verdict. • This term is not properly used in federal practice, which authorizes interrogatories and special verdicts, but not special interrogatories. Fed. R. Civ. P. 49. The term is properly used, however, in the courts of some states. — Also termed special issue.

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loss of consortium

loss of consortium (k[schwa]n-sor-shee-[schwa]m). 1. A loss of the benefits that one spouse is entitled to receive from the other, including companionship, cooperation, aid, affection, and sexual relations. • Loss of consortium can be recoverable as damages from a tortfeasor in a personal-injury or wrongful-death action. Originally, only the husband could sue for loss of

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