Search Results for: ERA


boulwarism. Labor law. A bargaining tactic in which an employer researches the probable outcome of collective bargaining and uses the information to make a firm settlement offer to a union on a take-it-or-leave-it basis, so that there is no real negotiation. • Boulwarism is now considered to be an unfair labor practice by the National […]

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exculpate (ek-sk[schwa]l-payt or ek-sk[schwa]l-payt), vb. To free from blame or accusation. Cf. EXONERATE(1). — exculpation (ek-sk[schwa]l-pay-sh[schwa]n), n. — exculpatory (ek-sk[schwa]l-p[schwa]-tor-ee), adj.

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sue and labor clause

sue-and-labor clause. Marine insurance. A provision establishing that the marine insurer will cover the costs incurred by the insured in protecting the covered property from damage or minimizing actual damages to the property. • The clause generally requires the insurer to “sue and labor” to protect the insured party’s interests. — Also termed rescue clause.

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one action rule

one-action rule. In debtor-creditor law, the principle that when a debt is secured by real property, the creditor must foreclose on the collateral before proceeding against the debtor’s unsecured assets. — Also termed one-form-of-action rule. [Cases: Mortgages 218.4, 337, 411. C.J.S. Mortgages §§ 325–326, 335, 456, 473, 494, 581.]

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审计回复函 英语:audit letter response 法语:(lettre de) confirmation 德语:Auskunftsschreiben an den Wirtschaftsprüfer, Vollständigkeitserklärung 意大利语:lettera di conferma della revisione contabile 西班牙语:respuesta auditoría

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