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nobility, n. pl. 1. Persons of social or political preeminence, usu. derived by inheritance or from the sovereign. • In English law, there are various degrees of nobility, or peerage, such as dukes, marquises, earls, viscounts, and barons, and their female counterparts. Nobility is generally created either by a writ of summons to sit in […]

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dead rent

dead rent. A mining-lease payment, either in addition to or as part of the royalty, that must be made whether or not the mine is working. • The purpose of the provision is to secure the working of the mine. See delay rental under RENTAL. [Cases: Mines and Minerals 70. C.J.S. Mines and Minerals §§

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synod n. (教会法) (1)宗教会议;公会议 分为四种:1由各国主教出席的全球公会议;2某国神职人员的公会议;3某教省的神职人员的公会议,现亦称作教牧人员代表会议〔convocation〕;4主教区会议。 (2)(教区)长老会议;长老会法院 由主教和至少三个长老组成。它与普世公会议不同,只由部分神职人员代表组成。该组织在长老制教会中是中间一级的行政与司法机关,亦属于其司法系统,处于教务评议会〔presbytery〕和最高立法机构长老会全会〔general assembly〕之间,可以接受对下级会议所作判决的上诉,亦可对其他案件制定出纠正法令。

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attachment lien

A lien on property seized by prejudgment attachment. • Such a lien is initially inchoate but becomes final and perfected upon entry of a judgment for the attaching creditor and relates back to the date when the lien first arose. — Also termed lien of attachment. See ATTACHMENT. [Cases: Attachment 177; Federal Civil Procedure 589.

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legatee (leg-[schwa]-tee). 1. One who is named in a will to take personal property; one who has received a legacy or bequest. [Cases: Wills 492–520. C.J.S. Wills §§ 902–966.] 2. Loosely, one to whom a devise of real property is given. — Also termed (archaically) legatary. Cf. DEVISEE. general legatee. A person whose bequest is

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trust indenture act

Trust Indenture Act. A federal law, enacted in 1939, designed to protect investors of certain types of bonds by requiring that (1) the SEC approve the trust indenture, (2) the indenture include certain protective clauses and exclude certain exculpatory clauses, and (3) the trustees be independent of the issuing company.15 USCA §§ 77aaa et seq.

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