Search Results for: PLEA

nul tiel record

nul tiel record, n. [Law French “no such record”] A plea denying the existence of the record on which the plaintiff bases a claim. • Evidence may generally be introduced to invalidate the record only, not the statements in the record. See trial by record under TRIAL. [Cases: Judgment 914.] “The proper general issue in

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(1765) Leach v.Money (1765)

(1765) Leach v.Money (1765) 〈英〉利奇诉莫尼案 国务大臣发出搜查令,命令搜寻《北不列颠人》〔The North Briton〕一书的作者、印刷商和出版商,因为该书被指称含有煽动性诽谤的内容。利奇同约翰·威尔克斯〔John Wilkes〕一起被国王的使者莫尼所逮捕。因其既非作者、印刷商,也非出版商,他在民诉法庭〔Common Pleas〕得到损害赔偿。该案被提交给曼斯菲尔德勋爵〔Lord Mansfield〕时,他谴责使用无具体指示的逮捕令〔general warrant〕。此后,这种令状不再继续使用。

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double complaint

double complaint (教会法)双重控诉 指圣职候选人〔clerk〕或其他人对教会常任法官〔ordinary〕在一些宗教讼案中延迟或拒绝给予公平处理,例如处刑或授予其圣职等而向教省大主教提出的控诉。其所以称作双重控诉,因其既控诉法官,亦控诉被拒绝或拖延之案件的对方当事人。大主教核实情况后以诫谕〔monition〕责令教会常任法官陈述延迟理由,否则大主教亲审法院〔court of audience〕将对该案件进行公正评判。 (→duplex querela; duplicity;double pleading; joinder of causes of action)

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new cause of action

A claim not arising out of or relating to the conduct, occurrence, or transaction contained in the original pleading. • An amended pleading often relates back to the date when the original pleading was filed. Thus, a plaintiff may add claims to a suit without facing a statute-of-limitations bar, as long as the original pleading

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record, n. 1. A documentary account of past events, usu. designed to memorialize those events. 2. Information that is inscribed on a tangible medium or that, having been stored in an electronic or other medium, is retrievable in perceivable form. UCC § 5-102(14). 3. MINUTES(2). 4. The official report of the proceedings in a case,

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surplusage (s[schwa]r-pl[schwa]s-ij). 1. Redundant words in a statute or legal instrument; language that does not add meaning (the court must give effect to every word, reading nothing as mere surplusage). [Cases: Statutes 202, 206. C.J.S. Statutes § 327.] 2. Extraneous matter in a pleading (allegations that are irrelevant to the case will be treated as

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