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Judicature Acts

Judicature Acts 〈英〉《司法组织法》 1873-1875年间对高等法院的组织和审判程序进行改革的法律。该法撤销了当时存在的那些最高司法组织,组成了单一的最高法院〔Supreme Court〕体系,下设高等法院〔High Court of Justice〕和上诉法院〔Court of Appeal〕。高等法院又再分为五个分庭,即王座分庭〔Queen’s Bench Division〕、民诉分庭〔Common Pleas Division〕、财税分庭〔Exchequer Division〕、衡平分庭〔Chancery Division〕,以及遗嘱检验、离婚和海事分庭〔Probate, Divorce and Admiralty Division〕,从而奠定了英国现代司法组织的基础。另外,该法还统一了民事诉讼程序,规定任何一个法庭都可以实施普通法和衡平法的原则,从而实现了普通法和衡平法的合并,但它同时又规定,当二者发生冲突时,衡平法原则优先。该法后又为1981年的《最高法院法》〔Supreme Court Act〕所取代,上诉法院和高等法院又分别于1966年和1970年重组,后者合并为王座分庭、衡平分庭和家事分庭。依1971年的《法院法》〔Courts Act〕,刑事法院〔Crown Court〕取代了季审法庭〔Quarter Sessions〕和巡回法院〔court of assize〕成为了最高法院的一部分。

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Clerk of the Errors

Clerk of the Errors 〈英〉审误书记官 王座法庭〔Courts of King’s Bench〕、财税法庭〔Exchequer〕、财政署内室法庭〔Exchequer Chamber〕、皇家民事法庭〔Common Pleas〕的一种官职,负责与纠错程序〔proceedings in error〕相关的事务。该职位为1837年《高级法院(官员)法》〔Superior Courts(Officers) Act〕所废止。

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discretion (di-skresh-[schwa]n). 1. Wise conduct and management; cautious discernment; prudence. 2. Individual judgment; the power of free decision-making. sole discretion. An individual’s power to make decisions without anyone else’s advice or consent. 3. Criminal & tort law. The capacity to distinguish between right and wrong, sufficient to make a person responsible for his or her

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matter, n. 1. A subject under consideration, esp. involving a dispute or litigation; CASE(1) (this is the only matter on the court’s docket today). 2. Something that is to be tried or proved; an allegation forming the basis of a claim or defense (the matters raised in the plaintiff’s complaint are not actionable under state

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