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cepi (see-pI). [Latin] Hist. I have taken. • Cepi was often used in a capias return by an arresting sheriff, as in cepi corpus et est in custodia (“I have taken the defendant [or body] and he is in custody”). “But for injuries committed with force to the person, property, or possession, of the plaintiff,

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nient culpable

nient culpable (nee-ent k[schwa]l-p[schwa]-b[schwa]l), n. [Law French] Hist. A general plea of “not guilty” in a tort or criminal action. “When the prisoner hath thus pleaded not guilty, non culpabilis, or nient culpable; which was formerly used to be abbreviated upon the minutes, thus, ‘non (or nient) cul.’ the clerk of the assise, or clerk

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emotional distress

A highly unpleasant mental reaction (such as anguish, grief, fright, humiliation, or fury) that results from another person’s conduct; emotional pain and suffering. • Emotional distress, when severe enough, can form a basis for the recovery of tort damages. — Also termed emotional harm; mental anguish; mental distress; mental suffering. See INTENTIONAL INFLICTION OF EMOTIONAL

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information n. (1)〈美〉检察官起诉书 由检察官制作并提交法院的指控刑事犯罪的正式书面文件,区别于由大陪审团批准的起诉书〔indictment〕。在大多数州,检察官起诉书适用于起诉轻罪〔misdemeanors〕案件,也有大约一半的州允许用于起诉重罪案件,有的州规定对重罪案件只有被告人放弃由大陪审团批准起诉时才可以检察官起诉书起诉。 (2)〈英〉(民事)起诉状;(刑事)起诉书 在性质上相当于pleading,它是开始一些民事或刑事诉讼程序的一个步骤,亦相当于开始诉讼的令状〔initial writ〕。1旧时以information开始的民事诉讼要么是在衡平法院提起的,要么是在财税法庭〔Court of Exchequer〕提起的,视其所要寻求的救济的性质而定。例如普通法上的特权起诉状〔prerogative process of information〕即是一种以国王的名义提出的民事请求状,旨在寻求获得对国王财产造成损害的赔偿或收回欠国王的财物或金钱,它由总检察长提出。2information是向治安法官〔justice of the peace〕提起刑事诉讼通常使用的方式,其中应简要陈述所指控的犯罪事实,以使得可以采取适当的措施确保受指控的犯罪人能到庭应诉。3在高等法院王座分庭提起刑事诉讼的刑事起诉书〔ciminal information〕,它可以由总检察长依职权〔ex officio〕提出,也可以由私诉人〔private prosecutor〕以国王的名义提出,但在后一种情况下,只有取得高等法院的明确指令才可以提出。这种刑事起诉书已被1967年《刑法》〔Criminal Law Act〕废除。4在衡平法院以information开始的诉讼是由总检察长以国王的名义提起的,通常是根据某人的告发,告发人的姓名列于起诉状中,且告发人通常与争议事项存在利害关系。5在财税法庭的衡平法管辖权部还有一种用以取得对国王的损害赔偿或对国王的欠款的诉讼,称为英格兰诉讼〔English Information〕,有别于拉丁诉讼〔Latin Information〕。这两种诉讼都已被1947年的《王权诉讼法》〔Crown Proceedings Act〕废除。

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supplemental complaint

An additional complaint that either corrects a defect in the original complaint or adds relevant matters that occurred after the action began. • Generally, a party must obtain the court’s permission to file a supplemental complaint. Fed. R. Civ. P. 15(d). Cf. amended complaint. [Cases: Federal Civil Procedure 864; Pleading 279. C.J.S. Pleading §§ 461,

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