Search Results for: EPS

grievance procedure

grievance procedure. Labor law. A process, consisting of several steps, for the resolution of an employee’s complaint. • The first step usu. occurs at the shop level and is handled by a supervisor. If the grievance is not resolved at the first step, the grievance is appealed in successive steps that vary among collective-bargaining agreements. […]

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foreclose, vb. To terminate a mortgagor’s interest in property; to subject (property) to foreclosure proceedings. [Cases: Mortgages 320. C.J.S. Mortgages §§ 490–491, 495, 559, 568.] “Should the mortgagor default in his obligations under the mortgage, the mortgagee will seek to ‘foreclose’, — i.e., ‘end’ or ‘close’ the mortgagor’s rights in the security. After taking the

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nuda patientia

nuda patientia (n[y]oo-d[schwa] pash-ee-en-shee-[schwa]). [Latin] Mere sufferance. • In a servitude, the servient estate owner’s obligation is one of mere sufferance because, while the owner has to submit to the dominant estate, the owner does not have to take any positive steps (such as fixing a sidewalk) to enhance the exercise of the dominant servitude.

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earnings per share

Corporations. A measure of corporate value by which the corporation’s net income is divided by the number of outstanding shares of common stock. • Investors benefit from calculating a corporation’s earnings per share, because it helps the investor determine the fair market value of the corporation’s stock. — Abbr. EPS.

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judgment docket

A book that a court clerk keeps for the entry or recordation of judgments, giving official notice of existing judgment liens to interested parties. — Also termed judgment book; judgment file; judgment record; judgment roll. [Cases: Judgment 277, 284. C.J.S. Judgments §§ 130, 132.]

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chapter 7

Chapter 7. 1. The chapter of the United States Bankruptcy Code allowing a trustee to collect and liquidate a debtor’s nonexempt property, either voluntarily or by court order, to satisfy creditors. [Cases: Bankruptcy 2251. C.J.S. Bankruptcy § 50.] 2. A bankruptcy case filed under this chapter. • An individual debtor who undergoes this type of

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species (spee-sheez). 1. A taxonomic class of organisms uniquely distinguished from other classes by shared characteristics and usu. by an inability to interbreed with members of other classes. endangered species. A species in danger of becoming extinct; esp., under federal law, a species that is in danger of extinction throughout all or a significant part

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