Search Results for: EXECUTED

duplicate will

A will executed in duplicate originals by a testator who retains one copy and gives the second copy to another person. • The rules applicable to wills apply to both wills, and upon application for probate, both copies must be tendered into the registry of the probate court. [Cases: Wills 175. C.J.S. Wills §§ 395,

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Property. 1. A future interest arising in a third person — that is, someone other than the estate’s creator, its initial holder, or the heirs of either — who is intended to take after the natural termination of the preceding estate. • For example, if a grant is “to A for life, and then to

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exequatur (ek-s[schwa]-kway-t[schwa]r). [Latin “let it be executed”] A written official recognition and authorization of a consular officer, issued by the government to which the officer is accredited. “Consuls on exhibiting proof of their appointment, if not objectionable persons, receive an exequatur, or permission to discharge their functions within the limits prescribed, which permission can be

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latent ambiguity

An ambiguity that does not readily appear in the language of a document, but instead arises from a collateral matter when the document’s terms are applied or executed [the contract contained a latent ambiguity: the shipping terms stated that the goods would arrive on the Peerless, but two ships have that name]. — Also termed

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acte (akt), n. [French] French law. 1. An instrument; a proof in writing, such as a deed, bill of sale, or birth cer-tificate. acte authentique (akt oh-tawn-teek). A deed executed with certain prescribed formalities, in the presence of a notary or other official. acte de décès (akt d[schwa] day-say). A death certificate. acte de francisation

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