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bill for a new trial

bill for a new trial 请求重新审理的诉状 指由于存在某些事实会使得判决的执行造成不公正,从而请求禁止执行该判决并对案件重新审理的一种衡平法上的诉状,但作为请求根据的事实必须是因为存在欺诈或者意外事件而使得一方当事人在审判时不知道或者无法得知的情况。现在美国采用《联邦民事诉讼规则》〔Federal Rules of Civil Procedure〕的州或司法区中,此诉状已为重新审理的申请〔motion for new trial〕取代。

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bill of costs

A certified, itemized statement of the amount of costs owed by one litigant to another, prepared so that the prevailing party may recover the costs from the losing party. — Also termed cost bill. [Cases: Costs 202. C.J.S. Costs § 148.]

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substitution by will

substitution by will 以遗嘱进行的遗赠替代;遗赠物之替代;受遗赠人之替代 1依据遗嘱中的遗赠替代条款,遗嘱人把特定遗赠物的受遗赠人变更为另一人,或把给予指定受遗赠人的遗赠物变更为另一遗赠物,具体视遗嘱条款之规定而定;2当一项指定的遗赠不发生效力时,把遗赠物转赠给慈善机构以实现其效力;3用后订立的遗嘱或遗嘱修改附加书中所规定的遗赠物替代原遗嘱中所规定的对同一受益人的遗赠物;4当遗嘱人规定在原受益人于遗产分割前死亡的情况下,可由另一人替代受益时,遗赠物可由后者替代取得。但替代受益人仅能依据遗嘱中所规定的取得该遗赠物的原条件替代取得遗赠物。

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secta facienda per illam quae habet eniciam partem

secta facienda per illam quae habet eniciam partem (sek-t[schwa] fay-shee-en-d[schwa] p[schwa]r il-[schwa]m kwee hay-b[schwa]t i-nish-ee-[schwa]m pahr-t[schwa]m), n. [Law Latin “suit to be performed by her who has the eldest part”] Hist. A writ ordering the eldest heir or coparcener to perform suit and services for all the coheirs or coparceners.

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