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natural justice

natural justice 〈英〉自然公正;自然正义 「自然公正」的观念源自自然法的概念。在18世纪之前,「自然公正」与「自然法」、「衡平」、「最高的律法」〔summum jus〕及其他类似的术语交替使用。在现代,本术语常用于指裁决争端的基本原则及最低的公正标准。它包含两个具体的要求:1回避原则。即「任何人不得在涉及自己的案件中担当法官」〔no man be judge in his own cause,拉丁文为nemo judex in parte sua〕。这一原则要求法官在判决结果与其有法律上或经济上的利害关系,或因其与涉案当事人一方或其成员等存在某种关系而可能存有或看起来存有偏见时,不得审理该案;2必须听取两方的陈情,任何人不得在未被听取其陈情的情况下被判罪或处罚〔each side be heard and no man be condemned unheard, 拉丁文为audi alteram partem〕。这一原则要求法官给予各方当事人同等的机会听取其陈情,而且需对各方的陈情给予同等的注意,不得偏听一方陈情而断案。在今天,若未能遵照执行这两个要求中的任何一个或全部,即可援用「自然公正」原则主张判决无效。这一原则还适用到各种仲裁庭的裁决,内部裁判所的裁定,各俱乐部、协会等委员会的决定以及法定的纪律裁判所的决定等。但是,在各部或部长决定某一政策事务时,若为行政行为,各当事人无权要求举行听证会。但是如果必须要听取反对意见或复议具有准司法的性质,则应适用「自然公正」的原则。在英国,外国法庭的判决申请执行也可能引起援用「自然公正」原则的问题。若外国法庭的判决是在违反「自然公正」的情况下作出的,该判决不能得到强制执行。

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deputy, n. A person appointed or delegated to act as a substitute for another, esp. for an official. [Cases: Officers and Public Employees 47. C.J.S. Officers and Public Employees §§ 350–351, 353.] — deputize, depute, vb. courtroom deputy. The deputy clerk assigned to a particular courtroom or a particular judge. general deputy. 1. A deputy

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curia (kyoor-ee-[schwa]), n. [Latin] 1. Roman law. One of 30 divisions (three tribes of ten curiae) into which the Roman people were said to be divided by Romulus. See comitia curiata under COMITIA. 2. Roman law. A legislative gathering, esp. of the Roman Senate; the building used for the gathering. 3. Hist. A judicial tribunal

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neck verse

Hist. A verse, usu. consisting of the opening verse of Psalm 51 (Miserere mei, Deus “Have mercy on me, O God”), which was used as a literacy test for an accused who claimed benefit of clergy. • An accused who read the passage satisfactorily would not receive the maximum sentence (the person’s neck would be

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abatement of legacies

abatement of legacies 遗赠的减免 当遗产不足以完全支付根据遗嘱所产生的遗赠时,遗赠人不能获得遗产或只能获得部分遗产。在英格兰,根据1925年《遗产管理法》〔Administration of Estates Act〕的规定,一般遗赠〔general legacies〕按照遗赠数额比例减免,除非该一般遗赠系出于偿付某一债务或其他对价而作出的;如果遗产不足以清偿所有债务,则特定遗赠〔specific legacies〕与指示遗赠〔demonstrative legacies〕亦须减免;如果指定的遗产不足以支付指示遗赠,则该种遗赠亦须减免。例如,甲的遗产包括一幅画、300英镑的银行存款以及700英镑的其他款项,并有100英镑的债务。甲的遗嘱中规定:一幅画赠与乙,500英镑的银行存款给丙,800英镑给丁,200英镑给戊。这样,乙为特定遗赠、丙为指示遗赠、丁和戊为一般遗赠,遗赠减免后的结果为:乙获得该幅画;丙因指定的遗产金额不足,故仅得甲的300英镑银行存款;丁和戊应在700英镑的其他款项扣除100英镑的债务后按比例分配,各得480英镑与120英镑。美国《统一遗嘱检验法典》〔Uniform Probate Code〕亦规定,如果金钱遗赠〔pecuniary legacies〕不能全部得到支付,则按比例扣减。 (→ademption)

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continuous easement

An easement that may be enjoyed without a deliberate act by the party claiming it, such as an easement for drains, sewer pipes, lateral support of a wall, or light and air. — Also termed (in Louisiana) continuous servitude. Cf. discontinuous easement. [Cases: Easements 38. C.J.S. Easements §§ 57, 143–144, 146–147, 165–167.]

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