Search Results for: ERA

casus amissionis

casus amissionis (kay-s[schwa]s [schwa]-mis[h]-ee-oh-nis). [Latin “the occasion of the loss”] Hist. The circumstances under which a document is lost or destroyed. • In an action to prove the contents of a lost instrument, the circumstances under which a document was lost was required evidence. Lost documents are now covered by Federal Rule of Evidence 1004(1).

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law reform

law reform. The process of, or a movement dedicated to, streamlining, modernizing, or otherwise improving a body of law generally or the code governing a particular branch of the law; specif., the investigation and discussion of the law on a topic (e.g., bankruptcy), usu. by a commission or expert committee, with the goal of formulating

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buy back clause

buy-back clause. 1. Contracts. A provision that requires a manufacturer or franchiser to buy back inventory and equipment if the distributor or franchisee’s contract is terminated prematurely. 2. Contracts. A clause allowing the seller of property the right or opportunity to repurchase the property under stated conditions. 3. Insurance. An insurance-policy clause that provides for

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predatory pricing

predatory pricing. Unlawful below-cost pricing intended to eliminate specific competitors and reduce overall competition; pricing below an appropriate measure of cost for the purpose of eliminating competitors in the short run and reducing competition in the long run. See ANTITRUST. [Cases: Monopolies 17(1.7). C.J.S. Monopolies §§ 83–85, 87.] “In its most orthodox form, ‘predatory pricing’

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charge sheet

charge sheet. 1. A police record showing the names of all persons brought into custody, the nature of the accu-sations, and the identity of the accusers. 2. Military law. A four-part charging instrument containing (1) information about the accused and the witnesses, (2) the charges and specifications, (3) the preferring of charges and their referral

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United States Attorney

A lawyer appointed by the President to represent, under the direction of the Attorney General, the federal government in civil and criminal cases in a federal judicial district. — Abbr. USA. — Also termed United States District Attorney. Cf. DISTRICT ATTORNEY. [Cases: District and Prosecuting Attorneys 6. C.J.S. District and Prosecuting Attorneys §§ 46–48.]

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department of homeland security

Department of Homeland Security. The cabinet-level department of the federal government responsible for ensuring security within the U.S. borders and in its territories and possessions. • The Department has five major divisions: Border and Transportation Security, Emergency Preparedness and Response, Science and Technology, Information Analysis and Infrastructure, and Management. It was established in 2002 and

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