Search Results for: GREE

freedom of contract

freedom of contract. The doctrine that people have the right to bind themselves legally; a judicial concept that contracts are based on mutual agreement and free choice, and thus should not be hampered by external control such as governmental interference. • This is the principle that people are able to fashion their relations by private […]

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truce. Int’l law. A suspension or temporary cessation of hostilities by agreement between belligerent powers. — Also termed armistice; ceasefire; suspension of arms. [Cases: War and National Emergency 33. C.J.S. War and National Defense § 50.] — trucial, adj. general truce. A truce that suspends hostilities in all places. partial truce. See special truce. special

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peer, n. 1. A person who is of equal status, rank, or character with another. “The commonalty, like the nobility, are divided into several degrees; and, as the lords, though different in rank, yet all of them are peers in respect of their nobility, so the commoners, though some are greatly superior to others, yet

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reformation (ref-[schwa]r-may-sh[schwa]n), n. An equitable remedy by which a court will modify a written agreement to reflect the actual intent of the parties, usu. to correct fraud or mutual mistake in the writing, such as an incomplete property description in a deed. • In cases of mutual mistake, the actual intended agreement must usu. be

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chattel paper

chattel paper 动产文据 即用以证明金钱给付义务以及在特定财产上的担保利益或对该财产进行租让的书面文件。在很多情况下,动产文据由一个票据和一个担保协议组成。当交易被一个这样的担保协议或租约以及一个或一系列票据所证明时,这些书面文件结合在一起就构成动产文据 。(→secured transaction; security agreement)

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