Search Results for: NTIA

journal of notarial acts

journal of notarial acts (noh-tair-ee-[schwa]l). The notary public’s sequential record of notarial transactions, usu. a bound book listing the date, time, and type of each official act, the type of instrument acknowledged or verified before the notary, the signature of each person whose signature is notarized, the type of information used to verify the identity […]

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areeda–turner test

Areeda–Turner test. Antitrust. An economic test for predatory pricing whereby a price below average variable cost is presumed to be predatory and therefore illegal. • This test is widely accepted by federal courts. Its name derives from the coauthors of an influential law-review article: Phillip Areeda & Donald F. Turner, Predatory Pricing and Practices Under

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usus (yoo-s[schwa]s oryoo-z[schwa]s), n. [Latin “use”] Roman law. 1. The right to use another’s property, without the right to the produce (fructus) of the thing. • Usus was a personal servitude; it gave the holder a right in rem. Cf. USUFRUCT. “It is essentially a fraction of a usufruct, usus without the fructus. In strictness,

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approved schools

approved schools 〈英〉少年犯教养院 自1932年开始使用的名称,用以取代原来的教养院〔reformatory schools〕和工读学校〔industrial schools〕等称呼,它是由地方政府或自愿团体资助,并经内务大臣〔Home Secretary〕或苏格兰事务大臣〔Secretary of State〕批准而建立的。它享有多种法定权力,以教育和培训那些被移送来的儿童和青少年,特别是被认定有罪的青少年犯。在1968年,这一名称又为社区之家〔community home〕和寄宿学校〔residential establishment〕所替代。1969年《儿童和青少年法》〔Children and Young Persons Act〕规定,犯罪的儿童和青少年应送到社区之家接受教育。

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book, vb. 1. To record in a book (as a sale or accounting item) (Jenkins booked three sales that day). 2. To record the name of (a person arrested) in a sequential list of police arrests, with details of the person’s identity (usu. including a photograph and a fingerprint), particulars about the alleged offense, and

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fact work product

Tangible work product that includes facts but not an attorney’s mental impressions. • Fact work product is subject to a qualified privilege. It is not discoverable unless the party seeking discovery can show a substantial need for the materials. See Fed. R. Evid. 26(b)(3). — Also termed ordinary work product.

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