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learned (l[schwa]r-nid), adj. 1. Having a great deal of learning; erudite. • A lawyer might refer to an adversary as a “learned colleague” or “learned opponent” — a comment that, depending on the situation and tone of voice, may be either a genuine compliment or a sarcastic slight. 2. Well versed in the law and […]

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interest arbitration

Arbitration that involves settling the terms of a contract being negotiated between the parties; esp., in labor law, arbitration of a dispute concerning what provisions will be included in a new collective-bargaining agreement. • When the parties cannot agree on contractual terms, an arbitrator decides. This type of arbitration is most common in public-sector collective

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rescission n. 撤销;解除;协议解除 在英美合同法中,该词并不区分合同的撤销与解除,举凡使现有合同终止或消灭者,不论其原因为何,均可以该词表述。例如在英国法中,无论是通过当事人的行为还是法院裁判,无论是因为违约、错误还是虚假陈述,该词均表示合同的终止。但在衡平法上,它意味着使当事人恢复到合同订立之前的状态,故须在可能恢复原状〔restitution〕的情况下方可为之;在普通法上,其效果仅在于使合同当事人无须承担继续履行合同的义务,故而在不能恢复原状的情况下亦可为之。在美国,该词在多重意义上为人所用。例如,它可以指依照当事人的协议而选择终止合同,因一方违约而解除合同,或者因一方当事人为未成年人、欺诈等原因而撤销合同。美国《统一商法典》〔U.C.C.〕试图根据不同情况而对相关的语词进行区分。例如,本词是指通过双方协议的方式解除合同;「终止」〔termination〕是指根据前述协议所授予的合同解除权而解除合同义务;「取消」〔cancellation〕则是指由于合同对方的违约而终止合同。但在实际用法上又未必完全据此实行,例如该法典第2-720条即是。此外,该词还可以表示双方当事人就解除合同中尚未履行的义务并终止合同而达成的协议,故亦可写作「agreement of rescission」、「mutual rescission」或「abandonment」。该词也可拼作「recision」或「recission」。

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1. Generally, a change from a customary or agreed-on course of action. 2.Employment lawA departure from one’s course of employment to tend to a personal matter. • A deviation from the course of employment may be an issue in disputes about workers’ compensation or about the employer’s tort liability to third parties based on the

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