Search Results for: GREE

aiding and abetting

aiding and abetting 帮助和教唆 指引诱、唆使、鼓励或促成他人实施犯罪的行为。在当代美国,教唆他人实施任何罪都可以构成教唆罪,且只要有了教唆行为就构成既遂罪,而不要求被教唆者实施了教唆的罪。在英国,以前只有帮助和教唆他人实施重罪才构成二级主犯〔a principal in the second degree〕,1967年后帮助和教唆他人实施任何犯罪均以主犯论处。 (→aider and abettor)

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breaking a case

breaking a case. 1. The voicing by one appellate judge to another judge on the same panel of a tentative view on how a case should be decided. • These informal expressions assist the judges in ascertaining how close they are to agreement. 2. The solving of a case by the police.

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accede (ak-seed), vb. 1. To consent or agree. 2. To be added (to something else) through accession. 3. To adopt. See ADOPTION(5). 4. (Of a body politic) to accept unification with or annexation into another body politic. — accession,accedence (ak-see-d[schwa]nts), n.

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brephotrophus (bre-fah-tr[schwa]-f[schwa]s). [Greek] Civil law. A person who manages institutions that receive and care for poor or abandoned children. • The word is Greek in origin (lit. meaning “one who feeds an infant”) and was used in late Roman law, but it first appeared in English in the 18th century. Pl. brephotrophi.

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quality. 1. The particular character or properties of a person, thing, or act, often essential for a particular result (she has leadership quality) (greed is a negative quality). 2. The character or degree of excellence of a person or substance, esp. in comparison with others (the quality of work performed under the contract).

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list, n. 1. A roll or register, as of names. 2. A docket of cases ready for hearing or trial. See CALENDAR(2); DOCKET. list, vb. 1. To set down or enter (information) in a list. 2. To register (a security) on an exchange so that it may be publicly traded. 3. To place (property) for

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finding of fact

A determination by a judge, jury, or administrative agency of a fact supported by the evidence in the record, usu. presented at the trial or hearing [he agreed with the jury’s finding of fact that the driver did not stop before proceeding into the intersection]. — Often shortened to finding. See FACT-FINDER. Cf. CONCLUSION OF

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incorporate, vb. 1. To form a legal corporation (she incorporated the family business). [Cases: Corporations 1. C.J.S. Corporations §§ 2, 4.] 2. To combine with something else (incorporate the exhibits into the agreement). 3. To make the terms of another (esp. earlier) document part of a document by specific reference (the codicil incorporated the terms

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