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Bachelor of Laws

Bachelor of Laws 法学学士学位 从法学院毕业时可获法学学士学位。在美国,它在很大程度上已被法学博士学位〔degree doctor of jurisprudence〕取代,但仍可授予完成了法学院课程而未获得大学或大学文科学位〔academic or liberal arts degree〕的人。在英国,它们是一个法学院的正式学位。

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accord and satisfaction

accord and satisfaction. An agreement to substitute for an existing debt some alternative form of discharging that debt, coupled with the actual discharge of the debt by the substituted performance. • The new agreement is called the accord, and the discharge is called the satisfaction. Cf. COMPROMISE; NOVATION; SETTLEMENT(2), (3). [Cases: Accord and Satisfaction 1.

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parol evidence rule

parol-evidence rule. Contracts. The common-law principle that a writing intended by the parties to be a final embodiment of their agreement cannot be modified by evidence of earlier or contemporaneous agreements that might add to, vary, or contradict the writing. • This rule usu. operates to prevent a party from introducing extrinsic evidence of negotiations

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illegal corporate behavior

illegal corporate behavior 〈美〉企业非法行为 法律执行协助署〔Legal Enforcement Assistance Administration〕在1980年对全国582家最大企业的违法行为及因此所受制裁的调查分析报告表明,自70年代中期以来的每两年内,60%以上的被调查对像被指控违反某项联邦法律,其违法行为包括违规操作证券,虚报所得税,操纵金融市场,在广告中作虚假陈述,垄断,环境污染和行贿等。这些违法行为对美国经济与社会造成了巨大的损害,但据该报告指出,事实上,这些违法公司的高层管理人员因其公司违法而坐监者极少,即使入狱,时间也很短,一般的惩罚是被公司辞退,但据调查,大多数作奸犯科的高层管理人员仍能保留其原有职位或担任「特别顾问」的职务。对违法的公司来说,其遭受的一般惩罚也只是被要求签署一项承诺协议〔consent agreement〕,承诺将来不再从事类似行为。该协议并不要求违法的公司对其过去的行为承担责任。

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mirror image rule

Contracts. The doctrine that the acceptance of a contractual offer must be positive, unconditional, unequivocal, and unambiguous, and must not change, add to, or qualify the terms of the offer; the common-law principle that for a contract to be formed, the terms of an acceptance must correspond exactly with those of the offer. • In

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assurance, n. 1. Something that gives confidence; the state of being confident or secure (self-assurance). 2. English law. See life insurance under INSURANCE (she obtained assurance before traveling abroad, naming her husband as the beneficiary). 3. The act of transferring real property; the instrument by which it is transferred (the owner’s assurance of the farm

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androlepsy (an-dr[schwa]-lep-see). [fr. Greek “seizure of men”] Hist. The taking by one nation of citizens or subjects of another nation either in reprisal or to enforce some claim (as to surrender or punish a fugitive). — Also termed androlepsia (an-dr[schwa]-lep-see-[schwa]).

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