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dissensus (di-sen-s[schwa]s), n. [Latin “disagreement”] Roman law. 1. A lack of agreement. 2. A mutually agreed annulment of a contractual obligation; an undoing of the consensus that created the obligation.

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general compromis

An agreement in which countries submit all or a definite class of disputes that may arise between them to an arbitral institution, a court, or an ad hoc arbitral tribunal by concluding a general arbitration treaty or by including an arbitration clause in a treaty. — Also termed abstract compromis; anticipated com-promis.

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vague, adj. 1. Imprecise; not sharply outlined; indistinct; uncertain. unconstitutionally vague. 1. (Of a penal legislative provision) so unclear and indefinite as not to give a person of ordinary intelligence the opportunity to know what is prohibited. [Cases: Statutes 47.] 2. (Of a statute) im-permissibly delegating basic policy matters to administrators and judges to such

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contractus (k[schwa]n-trak-t[schwa]s). [Latin] Roman law. A contract; an agreement between two or more parties, usu. to create an actionable bond between them. See CONTRAHERE. “The texts of the Roman Law do not supply a definition of contract. The words contractus — contrahere — like ‘contract’ in English, are used in various senses, sometimes wider, sometimes

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way going crop

way-going crop. A grain crop, formerly sown by a tenant during a tenancy (esp. in Pennsylvania), that did not ripen until after expiration of the lease. • In the absence of an express agreement to the contrary, the tenant was entitled to the crop. [Cases: Landlord and Tenant 139(2). C.J.S. Landlord and Tenant § 349.]

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decanus (di-kay-n[schwa]s), n. [fr. Greek dekanos “a dean”] 1. Roman law. An officer commanding ten soldiers. 2. Eccles. & civil law. A leader of ten people, as in decanus monasticus (“dean of ten monks”). 3. The dean of a cathedral.

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nonnegotiable, adj. 1. (Of an agreement or term) not subject to change (the kidnapper’s demands were nonnegotiable). 2. (Of an instrument or note) incapable of transferring by indorsement or delivery. Cf. NEGOTIABLE INSTRUMENT . [Cases: Bills and Notes 144. C.J.S. Bills and Notes; Letters of Credit §§ 127, 129–130, 143.]

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formal contract

A contract made through the observance of certain prescribed formalities. • Among the formal contracts are the contract under seal, the recognizance, the negotiable instrument, and the letter of credit. Cf. informal contract; formal agreement under AGREEMENT.

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loan for use

loan for use. An agreement by which a lender delivers an asset to a borrower who must use it according to its normal function or according to the agreement, and who must return it when finished using it. • No interest is charged.

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