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group boycott

Antitrust. 1.CONCERTED REFUSAL TO DEAL. 2. A type of secondary boycott by two or more competitors who refuse to do business with one firm unless it refrains from doing business with an actual or potential competitor of the boycotters. • A group boycott can violate the Sherman Act and is analyzed under either the per […]

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duly performed

duly performed 完全履行;适当履行 等同于充分履行〔fully performed〕。在合同之诉中,一方当事人多辩称其已「完全履行」合同义务,以使其处于有利地位。而疏漏「完全地」〔duly〕一词,则可能对其有致命的影响,同样,以「实质性地」〔substantially〕替代「完全地」,则被认为不是充分履行。

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informant’s privilege

The qualified privilege that a government can invoke to prevent disclosure of the identity and communications of its informants. • In exercising its power to formulate evidentiary rules for federal criminal cases, the U.S. Supreme Court has consistently declined to hold that the government must disclose the identity of informants in a preliminary hearing or

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utilitarianism. The philosophical and economic doctrine that the best social policy is that which does the most good for the greatest number of people; esp., an ethical theory that judges the rightness or wrongness of actions according to the pleasure they create or the pain they inflict and recommending whatever action creates the greatest good

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intermediate scrutiny

intermediate scrutiny. Constitutional law. A standard lying between the extremes of rational-basis review and strict scrutiny. • Under the standard, if a statute contains a quasi-suspect classification (such as gender or legitimacy), the classification must be substantially related to the achievement of an important governmental objective. — Also termed middle-level scrutiny; mid-level scrutiny; heightened scrutiny.

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J.S.D. 法学博士 来自拉丁文「Juris Scientiae Doctor」,即「Doctor of the Science of law」,是法学高级学位的缩写。亦称作「Doctor of Juridical Science」或「Doctor of Jurisprudence」。J.S.D.是哲学博士〔Ph.D.〕层次的学位,仅有非常少的法律人〔lawyer〕获得这一学位。主要为那些志在从事法律学术与教学的人所攻读,甚至即便在法学院教员中间,拥有该学位也较为罕见。获得法学博士需要除LL.M.学位或与其相等同的学位之外进行至少一年的研读,以及完成一篇博士论文和通过博士论文主题的口头答辩〔oral examination〕。在一些法学院,该学位亦称作「S.J.D.」。

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jointure (joyn-ch[schwa]r). 1. Archaic. A woman’s freehold life estate in land, made in consideration of marriage in lieu of dower and to be enjoyed by her only after her husband’s death; a settlement under which a wife receives such an estate. • The four essential elements are that (1) the jointure must take effect immediately

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