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odd lot

odd-lot, adj. Of, relating to, or designating a worker who is so substantially disabled as to be unable to find stable employment in the ordinary labor market, and thus is considered totally disabled and entitled to workers’-compensation benefits under the odd-lot doctrine (an odd-lot worker who could find only sporadic employment). [Cases: Workers’ Compensation 847. […]

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federal election commission

Federal Election Commission. A six-member independent federal commission that certifies payments to qualifying presidential campaigns in primary and general elections and to national-nominating conventions, audits campaign expenditures, and enforces laws requiring public disclosure of financial activities of presidential campaigns and political parties. • It was established by the Federal Election Campaign Act of 1971. 2

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assignment for the benefit of creditors

assignment for the benefit of creditors 为债权人利益之转让 是一种概括性让与,指将债务人的全部或大体上的财产都托付给他人,由其催收外人所欠债务人的款项,出售债务人财产,将收益分配给债务人的债权人,并将偿债余额返还给债务人。美国1898年《破产法》〔Bankruptcy Act〕称破产4月内所为的这种转让是「破产行为」〔act of bankruptcy〕。 (→preferential assignment)

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chattel (chat-[schwa]l). (usu. pl.) Movable or transferable property; personal property; esp., a physical object capable of manual delivery and not the subject matter of real property. “That Money is not to be accounted Goods or Chattels, because it is not of it self valuable ….Chattels are either personal or real. Personal, may be so called

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diligence n. (1)谨慎;注意;勤勉 在特定情况下对某人所要求的注意义务,与「negligence」相对。在罗马法中的对应词为「diligentia」,意谓注意、无过失,在现代英语,此词义已不常用,但作为法律措词的古语仍保留至今。普通法与罗马法对于注意均分成三种不同的程度:一般注意〔ordinary diligence (diligentia)〕;特别注意〔extraordinary diligence (exactissima diligentia)〕和轻微注意〔slight diligence (levissima diligentia)〕 。(→care) (2)〈苏格兰〉强制(执行债务)令 债权人通过该种法律形式而强制债务人偿付债务,它通常是在法院作出支付判决的基础上进行的。包括以下形式:1通过民事拘禁方式而对人强制(目前已废止);2对可继承不动产的强制,包括对地产的判决、禁令和扣押、对财产的评估与拍卖等;3对动产的强制,包括扣押、冻结、拍卖,以及对土地保有人财产的拍卖和对破产者的商业性查封。 (3)强制证人出庭或出示文件之令状

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fingerprint claim

A chemical-patent claim that differentiates the material from prior art in terms of some physical feature, such as melting point or spectrum, rather than its chemical composition. • Fingerprint claims are allowed only when the chemical composition cannot be determined or cannot be distinguished from prior art.

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de minimis non curat lex

de minimis non curat lex 〈拉〉对屑事法律不以为意 刑法中,以此来驳回对某些轻微违法行为的刑事指控。1该格言引申出承认合同的「实质履行」〔substantial performance〕为合同充分履行〔sufficient performance〕的原则;2该格言有时用以排除对细微赔偿金的支付,如果行为人没有妨害财产、权利的不法意图,并且所有可能的损害都无法得到证明;3它有时还用于排除对上诉的推翻或变更;4它不适用于对金钱的请求权;5但它并不阻止对明显损害的赔偿请求权,比如非法侵入土地,尤其是如果不处罚这种侵害,它就会导致侵害人依时效取得权利。

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former adjudication

former adjudication. A judgment in a prior action that resulted in a final determination of the rights of the parties or essential fact questions and serves to bar relitigation of the issues relevant to that determination. • Collateral estoppel and res judicata are the two types of former adjudication. See COLLATERAL ESTOPPEL; RES JUDICATA. [Cases:

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