Search Results for: QUALIFICATION


recusal (ri-kyoo-z[schwa]l), n. Removal of oneself as judge or policy-maker in a particular matter, esp. because of a conflict of interest. — Also termed recusation; recusement. Cf. DISQUALIFICATION. [Cases: Administrative Law and Procedure 314; Judges 39–56. C.J.S. Judges §§ 62, 98–160; Public Administrative Law and Procedure §§ 61, 138.]

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competitive civil service examination

competitive civil-service examination. A test designed to evaluate a person’s qualifications for a civil-service position. • This type of examination may be open to all those seeking civil-service employment, or it may be restricted to those civil servants seeking a promotion. See CIVIL SERVICE. [Cases: Officers and Public Em-ployees 11. 3. C.J.S. Officers and Public

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private school

A school maintained by private individuals, religious organizations, or corporations, funded, at least in part, by fees or tuition, and open only to pupils selected and admitted based on religious affiliations or other particular qualifications. [Cases: Schools 1. C.J.S. Schools and School Districts §§ 2, 807.]

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mirror image rule

mirror-image rule. Contracts. The doctrine that the acceptance of a contractual offer must be positive, unconditional, unequivocal, and unambiguous, and must not change, add to, or qualify the terms of the offer; the common-law principle that for a contract to be formed, the terms of an acceptance must correspond exactly with those of the offer.

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place bills

place bills 〈英〉席位法案 旨在排除或限制王室官员在下议院席位的法案的统称,这些法案的目的是使下议院获得独立地位,免受国王支配。有关法律包括1701年《王位继承法》〔Act of Settlement〕、1975年《下议院(无资格)法》〔House of Commons (Disqualification) Act〕等。

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forfeiture clause

forfeiture clause. 1. A contractual provision stating that, under certain circumstances, one party must forfeit something to the other. • Forfeiture clauses are often held to be void, although they are similar to conditions and other qualifications of estates in land. 2. NO-CONTEST CLAUSE.

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mark hopkins doctrine

Mark Hopkins doctrine. The principle that when an employee leaves a job because of a labor dispute, any later employment the employee has must be bona fide and intended as permanent for the employee to avoid a labor-dispute disqualification from unemployment benefits if the employee leaves the later job. Mark Hopkins, Inc. v. Employment Comm’n,

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base fee

A fee that has some qualification connected to it and that terminates whenever the qualification terminates. • An example of the words creating a base fee are “to A and his heirs, tenants of the manor of Tinsleydale,” which would terminate when A or his heirs are no longer tenants of the manor of Tinsleydale.

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