Search Results for: QUALIFICATION


restriction. 1. A limitation or qualification. 2. A limitation (esp. in a deed) placed on the use or enjoyment of property. See restrictive covenant under COVENANT(4). [Cases: Covenants 49–52, 69.] 3. Military law. A deprivation of liberty involving moral and legal, rather than physical, restraint. • A military restriction is imposed as punishment either by

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characterization. 1. Conflict of laws. The classification, qualification, and interpretation of laws that apply to the case. — Also termed qualification; classification; interpretation. [Cases: Action 17. C.J.S. Actions §§ 18–20; Conflict of Laws §§ 2–3, 12, 15, 20, 23, 27–32, 34–40, 42–48, 50–65, 96–97, 100, 102, 105–107.] “In a conflict-of-laws situation, a court must determine

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solicitor n. 〈英〉事务律师 在15世纪英格兰的衡平法院,起草诉讼文书和契据的工作由书记员担任,而对其他事务的法律代理的需要促进了事务律师的出现。最初他们只是一般事务代理人而非律师,且地位低于法律事务代理人〔attorney〕,但很快他们便赢得了认可,在衡平法院中执业。整个18世纪,法律事务代理人和事务律师并存发展,1728年的一项法律还规定了一个人可以被允许同时作为法律事务代理人和事务律师执业,这在当时也是一般惯例。在18世纪末以前,法律事务代理人和事务律师都是伦敦四大律师公会〔Inns of Court〕的成员,在1793年他们被逐出律师公会,但此后他们即垄断了预备律师公会〔Inns of Chancery〕。虽然从1729年起即规定了取得事务律师资格和考试的条件,但长期以来一直只是一个形式,直到1831年事务律师协会〔Law Society〕成立至19世纪中期,才最终确定了成为事务律师必须通过考试的条件。在1843年以前,法律事务代理人在普通法法院执业,事务律师在衡平法院执业,代诉人〔proctor〕在教会法院和海事法院、遗嘱检验法院和离婚法院执业,1873-1875年《司法组织法》〔Judicature Acts〕将他们统一称为「最高法院的事务律师」〔Solicitors of the Supreme Court〕,并成为法院的官员。传统上,事务律师可以在治安法院〔magistrates’ court〕和郡法院〔county court〕出庭执业,而通常不能在高级法院〔superior courts〕出庭。但是依据1990年《法院和法律服务法》〔Courts and Legal Services Act〕和1999年《司法准入法》〔Access to Justice Act〕的规定,这种状况已有改变,现在已被获准执业的所有出庭律师和事务律师,在完成必要的培训后都可获得充分的出庭权〔full rights of audience〕。即使是那些还没有取得充分出庭权的事务律师也可以出席高等法院〔High Court〕办理破产案件,或宣读正式的、无异议的陈述〔formal, unchallenged statement〕;对其在治安法院出庭辩护的案件上诉至刑事法院〔Crown Court〕或被移送刑事法院量刑〔Committed to the Crown Court for Sentence〕的,也可以出席刑事法院办理该案;此外,事务律师还可以出席高等法院法官室〔chamber〕办案,或在上诉法院〔Court of Appeal〕的独任法官〔single judge〕面前出庭。单个事务律师办理出庭业务通常比出庭律师要少得多,而且有的事务律师根本不出庭,但就事务律师总体而言,他们办理出庭业务则要比全体出庭律师多,因为约98%的刑事案件是在治安法院审理的,通常都是由事务律师出庭辩护,而且,依1990年《法院和法律服务法》许多合同和侵权案件从高等法院转由郡法院审理,事务律师出席郡法院的业务量也在增长。大多数的事务律师做得更多的还是文书工作〔paper work〕,包括办理财产转让〔conveyancing〕、起草合同和遗嘱、提供口头和书面的法律意见等。当事人可以自己直接聘请事务律师,事务律师也可以选择是否承办某一案件。事务律师可以单独执业,也可与其他事务律师合作,他们共同租用办公场地和僱用行政人员,其事务所可以设在英格兰和威尔士的所有市镇。有些事务律师则在法律中心〔Law Centres〕以及其他咨询机构、政府部门、私人企业中工作,或者执教,而非作为私人执业律师。现在英格兰和威尔士,要成为事务律师需满足相应的条件和接受必要的培训〔qualifications and training〕,最后由事务律师协会〔Law Society〕授予事务律师资格。虽然英国的法官一般从执业律师中选任,但事务律师却鲜有机会升任法官,直到近些年来,事务律师也仅有可能被选任为巡回法官〔circuit judge〕。但1990年的《法院和法律服务法》已向事务律师敞开了通往更高级别的法官之路。该法改变了以往关于律师获得出庭权的规定,成为法官的途径受其影响亦得以拓宽。如依照新的规定,获得在高等法院出庭权达10年以上的可被任命为高等法院的法官,而同样依该法的规定,事务律师在完成必要的培训后可获得在高级法院的出庭权,因此,今后事务律师将可能被选任为高等法院法官乃至更高级别的法官。在苏格兰,从1933年起,将以前称为法律代理人〔law agents〕、事务律师〔writers〕、代诉人〔procurators〕的法律职业者统一称为事务律师〔solicitor〕,它包括了事务律师协会〔Writers to the Signet〕、苏格兰最高法院的事务律师〔Solicitors in the Supreme Courts of

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penuria testium

penuria testium (p[schwa]-nyoor-ee-[schwa] tes-tee-[schwa]m). [Latin] Hist. A scarcity of witnesses. “The disqualifications formerly attaching to witnesses, and especially that of relationship, were sometimes disregarded in occult or private facts, where there must, from the nature of the case, be a scarcity of unexceptionable witnesses …. It was not enough in this sense, to constitute a

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modification. 1. A change to something; an alteration (a contract modification). [Cases: Contracts 236. C.J.S. Contracts §§ 407, 409–411.] 2. A qualification or limitation of something (a modification of drinking habits). 3. Parliamentary law. A change in a motion that its mover initiates or accepts, usu. before the chair has stated the motion. • The

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testifying expert

An expert who is identified by a party as a potential witness at trial. • As a part of initial disclosures in federal court, a party must provide to all other parties a wide range of information about a testifying expert’s qualifications and opinion, including all information that the witness considered in forming the opinion.

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pardon, n. The act or an instance of officially nullifying punishment or other legal consequences of a crime. • A pardon is usu. granted by the chief executive of a government. The President has the sole power to issue pardons for federal offenses, and state governors have the power to issue pardons for state crimes.

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