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designatio personae

designatio personae (dez-[schwa]g-nay-shee-oh p[schwa]r-soh-nee). [Law Latin] Designation of the person by class or category rather than by name, as “the children of A.” • This phrase was used to specifically identify a person in a contract or deed, often as a word of limitation (e.g., “to my eldest son”). Cf. DESCRIPTIO PERSONAE.

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poison pill

A corporation’s defense against an unwanted takeover bid whereby shareholders are granted the right to acquire equity or debt securities at a favorable price to increase the bidder’s acquisition costs. — Often shortened to pill. See TAKEOVER DEFENSE. Cf. PORCUPINE PROVISION. [Cases: Corporations 310(1). C.J.S. Corporations §§ 475, 477–484, 487–489.]

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Judicium Essoniorum

Judicium Essoniorum 〈拉〉《缺席开庭事由论》 可能是由拉尔夫·德·亨汉姆〔Ralph De Hengham〕大约于1275年写的一本小册子。尽管书名范围较窄,但其内容除开庭缺席事由外,还涉及大巡回陪审诉讼〔grand assize〕中的宣誓形式、陪审员、例外及其它一些程序性问题等。这本小册子好像曾经流行过,它被收在伍德斌〔Woodbine〕的《十三世纪四论》〔Four Thirteenth-Century Tracts〕中。

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