Search Results for: PLEA

special count

A section of a pleading in which the plaintiff’s claim is stated with great particularity — usu. em-ployed only when the pleading rules require specificity. [Cases: Pleading 18, 50. C.J.S. Pleading §§ 70–71, 147–148, 162, 165.]

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give color

give color, vb. Hist. To admit, either expressly or impliedly by silence, that an opponent’s allegations appear to be meritorious. • In common-law pleading, a defendant’s plea of confession and avoidance had to give color to the plaintiff’s allegations in the complaint or the plea would be fatally defective. See COLOR(2).

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辩诉交易 英语:plea bargaining 法语:négociation sur les chefs d’accusation à retenir 德语:Verhandlungen (Geständnis gegen milderes Strafmass) 意大利语:negoziato (accusa e difesa) per contrattare una pena meno grave 西班牙语:negociar una pena inferior

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king’s silver

King’s silver. Hist. Money paid in the Court of Common Pleas for a license to levy a feudal fine; an amount due on granting a congé d’accorder in levying a fine of lands. • It amounted to three-twentieths of the supposed annual value of the land, or ten shillings for every five marks of land.

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replication n. 回答;答覆 普通法诉讼中,指原告对被告的答辩〔plea〕所作的答覆;衡平法诉讼中,指原告对被告的答辩〔answer〕所作的答覆。这是原告在诉讼中提交的第二份诉答文书,对此被告可以作出他的第二次答辩〔rejoinder〕。

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presentation. 1. The delivery of a document to an issuer or named person for the purpose of initiating action under a letter of credit; PRESENTMENT(3). [Cases: Banks and Banking 191. C.J.S. Bills and Notes; Letters of Credit§§ 341–366, 368–370, 372–376.] 2. Hist. Eccles. law. A benefice patron’s nomination of a person to fill a vacant

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venue facts

venue facts 确定审判地的事实 通常起诉应在被告居住地的法院提起,这是被告的一项权利,但有时法律也会规定某些事实构成被告该项权利的例外,即依据这些事实,原告也可以在别处起诉。因此,在对原告提出的特权答辩〔plea of privilege〕进行听审时需要确立某种事实以认定法院的审判地是否合法,该必要事实即为确定审判地的事实。

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vouching in

vouching-in. 1. At common law, a procedural device by which a defendant may give notice of suit to a third party who may be liable over to the defendant on the subject matter of the suit, so that the third party will be bound by the court’s decision. • Although this device has been largely

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