Search Results for: DISPUTE


litigious (li-tij-[schwa]s), adj. 1. Fond of legal disputes; contentious (our litigious society). 2. Archaic. Of or relating to the subject of a lawsuit ( the litigious property). 3. Archaic. Of or relating to lawsuits; litigatory ( they couldn’t settle the litigious dispute). — litigiousness, litigiosity (li-tij-ee-os-[schwa]-tee), n.

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adjudication ([schwa]-joo-di-kay-sh[schwa]n), n. 1. The legal process of resolving a dispute; the process of judicially deciding a case. 2. JUDGMENT. former adjudication. See FORMER ADJUDICATION. 3. Scots law. The Court of Session’s transfer of heritable property to a creditor as security for or in satisfaction of a debt, or its vesting title in an entitled

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plea in abatement

A plea that objects to the place, time, or method of asserting the plaintiff’s claim but does not dispute the claim’s merits. • A defendant who successfully asserts a plea in abatement leaves the claim open for continuation in the current action or reassertion in a later action if the defect is cured. — Also

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nonjuridical (non-juu-rid-i-k[schwa]l), adj. 1. Not of or relating to judicial proceedings or to the administration of justice (the dispute was nonjuridical). 2. Not of or relating to the law; not legal (a natural person is a nonjuridical entity). Cf. JURIDICAL.

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polity approach

polity approach. A method of resolving church-property disputes by which a court examines the structure of the church to determine whether the church is independent or hierarchical, and then resolves the dispute in accordance with the decision of the proper church-governing body. [Cases: Religious Societies 11, 14. C.J.S. Religious Societies §§ 5, 38–42, 85–86, 88–92.]

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