Search Results for: DISPUTE


picketing. The demonstration by one or more persons outside a business or organization to protest the entity’s activities or policies and to pressure the entity to meet the protesters’ demands; esp., an employees’ demonstration aimed at publicizing a labor dispute and influencing the public to withhold business from the employer. • Picketing is usu. considered […]

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no contest

no contest. A criminal defendant’s plea that, while not admitting guilt, the defendant will not dispute the charge. • This plea is often preferable to a guilty plea, which can be used against the defendant in a later civil lawsuit. — Also termed no-contest plea; nolo contendere; non vult contendere. Cf. ALFORD PLEA. [Cases: Criminal

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law of the hague

Law of The Hague. The first widely accepted body of international law of war, as approved by conventions in The Hague in 1899 and 1907. • The Law of The Hague set up procedures for mediation and arbitration of disputes to avoid war, and attempted to regulate the type and use of weapons in warfare.

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Hague Tribunal

Hague Tribunal 海牙法庭 1根据1899年海牙和平会议制订的《和平解决国际争端公约》〔Convention for the Pacific Settlement of International Disputes〕的规定在海牙正式成立的常设仲裁法院。后来根据1907年海牙和平会议修订的《和平解决国际争端公约》作了相应调整。2根据《国际联盟盟约》和《国际常设法院规约》于1922年2月15日在海牙设立的国际常设法院。3作为联合国的司法机构,根据《联合国宪章》和《国际法院规约》于1946年4月3日在海牙正式成立的国际法院。 (→international courts; International Court of Justice)

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judicial activism

judicial activism, n. A philosophy of judicial decision-making whereby judges allow their personal views about public policy, among other factors, to guide their decisions, usu. with the suggestion that adherents of this philosophy tend to find constitutional violations and are willing to ignore precedent. Cf. JUDICIAL RESTRAINT(3). — judicial activist, n. “[I]f to resolve the

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environmental law

environmental law. The field of law dealing with the maintenance and protection of the environment, including preventive measures such as the requirements of environmental-impact statements, as well as measures to assign liability and provide cleanup for incidents that harm the environment. • Because most environmental litigation involves disputes with governmental agencies, environmental law is heavily

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