Search Results for: GENERAL COURT

supreme court

supreme court. 1. (cap.) SUPREME COURT OF THE UNITED STATES. 2. An appellate court existing in most states, usu. as the court of last resort. [Cases: Courts 91(1). C.J.S. Courts §§ 151–152, 167–168.] 3. In New York, a court of general jurisdiction with trial and appellate divisions. • The Court of Appeals is the court

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court of assistants

Court of Assistants. Hist. A colonial body organized in Massachusetts Bay Colony in 1630 to act as a legislature and court for the colony. Cf. GENERAL COURT . “The court of assistants, made up of governor, deputy governor, and magistrates, heard appeals from lower courts, and took original jurisdiction in certain cases — for example,

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Senate of the Inns of Court and the Bar

Senate of the Inns of Court and the Bar 〈英〉出庭律师公会与出庭律师理事会评议会 出庭律师公会评议会〔Senate of the Four Inns of Court〕作为一个单独机构成立于1966年,代表出庭四大律师公会的整体利益行事。1974年该评议会与出庭律师总理事会〔General Council of the Bar〕一起被出庭律师公会与出庭律师理事会评议会所取代,在具有共同利益及可采取共同政策的事务上代表出庭律师公会与出庭律师理事会的整体利益行事。评议会由当然成员〔ex officio members〕、出庭律师公会的主管委员〔benchers〕选出的代表、出庭律师公会的普通成员〔hall members〕选出的代表、出庭律师理事会选出的代表及评议会任命的某些成员组成。评议会通过各种常设委员会进行活动,如执行委员会、财务委员会、法律改革委员会等。在该评议会内又成立一新的出庭律师理事会〔Bar Council〕,处理有关出庭律师界的独立地位、荣誉、标准、服务和职能等方面的事务。评议会与法律教育委员会〔Council of Legal Education〕有较密切的联系。

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district court

district court (1)〈美〉联邦地区法院 设于各联邦司法区〔judicial districts〕的初审法院,对涉及联邦法律、联邦法律规定的犯罪及当事人具有不同州籍的案件具有一般管辖权〔general jurisdiction〕。通常每个州包括一个或几个联邦司法区,每一司法区设一地区法院,且一个州至少有一所联邦地区法院,在哥伦比亚特区〔District of Columbia〕有一所,关岛〔Guam〕、波多黎各〔Puerto Rico〕、维尔京群岛〔Virgin Islands〕等领地也各有一所。一般案件由一名法官审理和裁决,但有些案件则需由三名法官组成合议庭审理。在法官超过一名的联邦地区法院中,由年龄不超过70岁的资深法官担任首席法官〔chief judge〕。 (2)〈美〉州地区法院 州中享有一般管辖权的下级存卷法院。 (3)〈苏格兰〉地区法院 为最低一级的刑事法院,仅对轻微犯罪案件有管辖权。由一名领薪的治安法官或者一名或多名不领薪的非职业治安法官组成。对犯罪的控诉由地区检察长〔procurator-fiscal〕提起,审理适用简易程序。

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judge advocate

judge advocate. Military law. 1. An officer of a court-martial who acts as a prosecutor. 2. A legal adviser on a military commander’s staff. 3. Any officer in the Judge Advocate General’s Corps or in a department of a U.S. military branch. — Abbr. JA. staff judge advocate. A certified military lawyer with the staff

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