Search Results for: GENERAL COURT

court of arches

Court of Arches. Eccles. law. The ecclesiastical court of the province of Canterbury, responsible for appeals from provincial diocesan courts. • The Pope heard appeals from the Court of Arches until the break with Rome prompted a transfer of the appellate jurisdiction to the Court of Delegates. The Judicial Committee of the Privy Council now […]

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International Court of Justice/ICJ

International Court of Justice/ICJ 国际法院 亦称「世界法院」〔World Court〕。1945年创立,设在荷兰海牙,为联合国的首要司法机构,由15名来自不同国家、经联合国大会〔U.N.General Assembly〕和联合国安全理事会〔U.N. Security Council〕绝对多数票当选的法官组成。国际法院授权向联合国提交咨询性司法意见,以及解决争议国自愿提请国际法院裁判的争端。提请国际法院裁决的争议大多为某一条约的解释、某一国际法问题的解释,或者指责违反国际义务等。

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court of delegates

Court of Delegates. Hist. Eccles. law. A court serving as the final court of appeal for admiralty and ecclesiastical matters. • The Court was established in 1534 to serve in the stead of the Papal Curia when the English Church severed its ties with the Papacy. Six delegates, appointed to hear only one case, made

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business court

A court that handles exclusively commercial litigation. • In the late 20th century, business courts emerged as a way to unclog the general dockets and to dispose of commercial cases more efficiently and con-sistently. — Also termed commercial court; commercial division.

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United States Court of Military Appeals

United States Court of Military Appeals 美国军事上诉法院 成立于1950年,由总统任命的三名文职法官〔civilian judge〕组成。它是专门的刑事上诉法院,有权对军事法庭对军人作出的定罪判决进行复审,其判决是终审的。此外,法律还要求其应与军队的军法署署长〔judge advocate general〕及交通部的法律总顾问〔general counsel〕合作,每年向国会报告军事司法制度的进展情况,必要时也可提出改善意见。它是世界上唯一完全由文职法官组成的终审军事法院。

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united states foreign intelligence surveillance court

United States Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court. An 11-judge court that hears requests from the Attorney General for surveillance warrants under the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act. • The Court’s proceedings and records are normally closed to the public. Its rulings may be reviewed by the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court of Review. — Abbr. FISC.

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Judge Advocate General

Judge Advocate General 军法署署长 1在美国,为高级法律官员,陆、海、空三军的首席法律顾问;且当海岸警卫队〔Coast Guards〕不在海军中服役时,为交通部的总顾问;2在英国,为国防大臣的法律顾问,就有关军事法庭及其他有关军事法律的事项提供咨询;在海军中类似的职位称「Judge Advocate of the Fleet」。这两个职位都是1951年《军事法庭(上诉)法》〔Courts-Martial (Appeals) Act〕设立的。

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naturalization court

naturalization court. A court having jurisdiction to hear and decide naturalization petitions. • Naturalization courts were abolished as a result of the Immigration Act of 1990. Under current U.S. law, the Attorney General has the sole authority to naturalize citizens. But after a hearing before an immigration officer, an applicant may seek review of the

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court of error

court of error. 1. Hist. Formerly, the Court of Exchequer Chamber and the House of Lords. • Appeals from common-law courts lay to the Court of Exchequer Chamber, and then to the House of Lords until 1873, when the Judicature Act gave jurisdiction of superior-court appeals to the Court of Appeal. Cf. COURT OF EXCHEQUER

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