Search Results for: CAST

black codes

black codes. (usu. cap.) Hist. 1. Antebellum state laws enacted to regulate slavery. 2. Laws enacted shortly after the Civil War in the ex-Confederate states to restrict the liberties of the newly freed slaves to ensure a supply of inexpensive agricultural labor and to maintain white supremacy. “Clearly, leaders of the old South who survived […]

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rome act

Rome Act. Copyright. A 1928 revision of the Berne Convention adding the moral rights of attribution and integrity to the minimum standards of protection that member nations must recognize, creating a compulsory license of recorded performances for radio broadcasting, and specifying that the term of protection for joint works must be measured from the death

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press, n. 1. The news media; print and broadcast news organizations collectively. [Cases: Constitutional Law 90(2). C.J.S. Constitutional Law § 539.] “The Constitution specifically selected the press, which includes not only newspapers, books, and magazines, but also humble leaflets and circulars, to play an important role in the discussion of public affairs.” Mills v. Alabama,

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equal time act

Equal Time Act. A federal law requiring that a broadcasting-facility licensee who permits a legally qualified candidate for public office to use the facility for broadcasting must afford an equal opportunity to all other candidates for the office. 47 USCA § 315. [Cases: Telecommunications 435. C.J.S. Telegraphs, Telephones, Radio, and Television §§ 178–179, 183–187.]

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branks (brangks). Hist. An instrument used to punish scolds, consisting of an iron framework that surrounded the head and entered the mouth to keep the offender’s tongue depressed. — Also termed scolding bridle. See SCOLD. Cf. CASTIGATORY.

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indecency, n. The state or condition of being outrageously offensive, esp. in a vulgar or sexual way. • Unlike obscene material, indecent speech is protected under the First Amendment. Cf. OBSCENITY. [Cases: Obscenity 1. C.J.S. Obscenity §§ 1–8.] — indecent, adj. “Obscenity is that which is offensive to chastity. Indecency is often used with the

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Neuva Recopilacion

Neuva Recopilacion 〈西〉《新法典》 由阿列塔的巴托洛梅〔Bartolome de Arrieta〕依据菲利浦二世的指令将卡斯蒂利亚议会〔Cortes of Castile〕制定的法规、皇室敕令及其他材料编纂而成的一部九卷本法律汇编,于1564年颁布。此汇编虽不完整,但后又多次重新颁布,并补充了最新的法规和材料,1805年以《西班牙最新法典》〔Novisima Recopilacion de las Leys de Espas〕颁布时已扩至12卷。

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