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recapitalization, n. An adjustment or recasting of a corporation’s capital structure — that is, its stocks, bonds, or other securities — through amendment of the articles of incorporation or merger with a parent or subsidiary. • An example of recapitalization is the elimination of unpaid preferred dividends and the creation of a new class of […]

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ward n. (1)区;行政区;选区 指为选举、治安或其他政府目的而在市、镇以下进行的区域划分。 (2)被监护人 由于缺乏处理自身事务的能力而接受监护的未成年人和其他无行为能力人。在美国亦指受特别保护的人,如受法院监护的人和受州政府监护的人。 (3)病房;牢房 (4)监护;保护;看护 (5)(古)卫生;守卫 (6)(=castleguard)

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Heliaea n. 赫利亚 指古雅典30岁以上的雅典公民举行的司法大会,也指举行该大会的场所。梭伦〔Solon〕创设了不服执政官判决〔archon’s decisions〕而向该大会上诉的体制。赫利亚可能被克利斯提尼〔Cleisthenes〕解释为按抽签从各德谟〔demes〕选出6 000名公民组成。公元前462年以后,执政官被限于初审,而赫利亚成了雅典的最高法院。实践中赫利亚分成几个迪卡斯特里法院〔dicasteries〕,每个法院都代表赫利亚整体。

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cédula (say-doo-lah). [Spanish] Spanish law. 1. An official document used to identify someone; an identity card. 2. A promissory note. 3. A summons; specif., a citation requiring a fugitive to appear in court to face criminal charges. • The citation is usu. affixed to the fugitive’s door. 4. Hist. A decree of the Spanish Crown;

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sortitio (sor-tish-ee-oh), n. [Latin fr. sortiri “to cast lots”] Roman law. The drawing of lots, used, for example, in selecting judges for a criminal trial. — Also termed (in English) sortition; sortilege.

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