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chad. The small bit of precut paper that is attached to a punch-card ballot by several points and punched out by a voter to cast a vote. • Because most punch-card ballots are machine-read, the chad must be completely separated from the ballot for the vote to be counted. The results of the closely contested […]

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Court of Common Pleas

Court of Common Pleas (1)〈英〉皇家民事法庭;民诉法庭;普通民事诉讼法庭 1875年之前英格兰最重要的三个中央法庭之一,12世纪开始逐渐从御前会议〔Curia Regis〕中分离出来,它不同于随国王流动的法庭。《大宪章》〔Magna Carta〕第17条规定,皇家民事法庭应设于特定地点,后来该庭设于威斯敏斯特,1272年任命了独立的皇家民事法庭首席法官〔Chief Justice of the Common Pleas〕。该法庭受理私人之间的民事诉讼,在该法庭可以提起全部的不动产权益之诉〔real action〕以及旧时个人间的债务之诉〔action of debt〕、扣留财物之诉〔action of detinue〕、报账之诉〔action of account〕和允诺契据之诉〔action of covenant〕,这使它成为中世纪英格兰最活跃的普通法法院。后来王座法庭〔Court of King’s Bench〕和财税法庭〔Court of Exchequer〕通过拟制也获得了对于一些动产诉讼的管辖权,但皇家民事法庭对不动产权益诉讼的排它管辖权一直持续到19世纪。该法庭对地方法庭和采邑法庭行使监督权,不服其判决最初可上诉至王座法庭,后来改为上诉至财政署内室法庭〔exchequer chamber〕。17世纪时该法庭取得了发布禁止令状〔writ of prohibition〕和人身保护令〔habeas corpus〕的一般管辖权;19世纪时还取得了对校勘律师〔revising barrister〕的上诉、反对国会选举的请愿等的排它管辖权。该法庭属高级的存卷法庭,由一名首席法官和五名助理法官组成,依据1873-1875年《司法组织法》〔Judicature Acts〕,它被并入新的高等法院〔High Court of Justice〕,其原有的管辖权除对选举事务的管辖权外均归高等法院的民事分庭〔Common Plea Division〕行使,1880年,高等民事分庭和财税分庭〔Exchequer Division〕被并入王座分庭〔Queen’s Bench Division〕。兰开斯特民事法庭〔Court of Common Pleas at Lancaster〕是一个具有地方普通法管辖权的特权法庭〔Palatine Court〕,依据1873年《司法组织法》,其管辖权亦转归高等法院。 (2)〈美〉普通法院 对民事和刑事诉讼具有一般管辖权的法院,美国殖民地时期普通法院由英王任命的法官主持,一般为县法院,独立后某些州也将具有一般管辖权的法院称为普通法院,例如在宾夕法尼亚州,该院对于民、刑事诉讼均有管辖权。现已废除,其管辖权被转归区法院、巡回法院或高级法院。

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amber alert

Amber Alert. A system by which the police can rapidly broadcast to the general public a report of a missing or endangered child by means of radio and television announcements. • The alert is named for Amber Hagerman of Texas, a nine-year-old who was abducted and murdered in 1996 by an unknown person. The system

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Carroll doctrine

Carroll doctrine 〈美〉卡罗尔原则 源于1958年卡罗尔广播公司诉美国联邦电讯委员会案〔Carroll Broadcasting Co. v. FCC〕。哥伦比亚特区巡回法庭〔D.C.Circuit〕认为,当新的竞争性业务对现有广播站「可能造成经济影响并在一定程度上给公众利益带来损害」时,联邦电讯委员会必须举行听证会确定是否授予该竞争性业务的许可。卡罗尔原则通常适用于有关广播的案件,用以保护超高频〔U.H.F.〕电视台与甚高频电视台〔V.H.F.〕的业务竞争。它是联邦电讯委员会保护超高频电视台的政策的一部分。

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sterilization. 1. The act of making (a person or other living thing) permanently unable to reproduce. 2. The act of depriving (a person or other living thing) of reproductive organs; esp., castration. — Also termed (in both senses) asexualization.

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blank. Parliamentary law. 1. A ballot cast without a vote, effectively an abstention. 2. A name, number, time, or other term left open in a motion, to be filled in by vote after taking proposals from the floor. • An election is a common form of filling a blank: each nomination is effectively a proposal

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