Search Results for: CHANCER

divisional court

An English court made up of two or more judges from the High Court of Justice sitting in special cases that cannot be disposed of by one judge. • Each division of the High Court has a divisional court, e.g., the Divisional Court of the Family Division. With the exception of the Divisional Court of […]

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distringas (di-string-gas), n. [Law Latin “you are to distrain”] 1. A writ ordering a sheriff to distrain a defendant’s property to compel the defendant to perform an obligation, such as appearing in court or giving up a chattel to a plaintiff awarded judgment in a detinue action. 2. A writ ordering the sheriff to seize

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ex officio

ex officio 〈拉〉依职权 1仅依所据官职而无需另外授权即能产生相应结果。如御前大臣〔Lord Chancellor〕依职权当然为上诉法院〔Court of Appeal〕法官和高等法院衡平庭庭长〔President of the Chancery Division of the High Court〕,高等法院首席大法官〔Lord Chief Justice〕依职权为上诉法院法官;2指官员所行使的权力不是特别授权给他的,而必然是他的职位所固有的。这种权力,就是「依职权」而行使的权力。

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magister (m[schwa]-jis-t[schwa]r). [fr. Latin magis “more”] Roman law. 1. A master; a superior, esp. by office or position. 2. A teacher; esp., one who has obtained eminence in a particular field of learning. magister ad facultates (m[schwa]-jis-t[schwa]r ad fak-[schwa]l-tay-teez), n. [Latin “master for permissions”] Eccles. law. 1. An officer who grants dispensations, as to marry

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inquest of office

inquest of office (英格兰古法)官方调查 该词语也经常简称「office」。这实质上是王室为获取对叛变者、无嗣而亡者或精神不健全者等的财产、遗产的权利或所有权所采取的一种措施。它采用由数目不定之当地居民组成之陪审团或咨询团的形式,由郡长、验尸官或其他王室特派官员主持。在上述调查结束以后,若被调查者属于上述几种情况,则其财产将被收归王室。这种调查通常分为两种情况:一是赋权性调查,其命令通常由文秘署〔Chancery〕正式发出,这种调查是国王取得对相关财产所有权的必要条件。如王室若对某白痴症患者之土地主张权利,那么必须有显示该患者为白痴之调查存在。二是指示性调查,其命令由财政署〔Exchequer〕正式发出,它用于官方调查并非王室获得权利之必要条件的情况,这种调查只是为了相关官员在采取措施前进行充分说明而进行的,其目的在于防止对被调查者采取突发性行动 。后来由于土地复归〔escheat〕和没收〔forfeiture〕制度的取消,使得官方调查制度几乎失去了意义。

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