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consistory court

consistory court 〈英〉(主教)教区法院 指在每一个主教管区〔diocese〕的几个主教座堂设置的法院,审理有关教会财产或其他教会事务的纠纷,不包括教义和宗教仪式方面的争议,坎特伯雷教省的教区法院是主教代理法院〔commissary court〕,通常由主教委任的大法官或主教代理依据教会法独立主持审判事宜,但主教本人是该法院的常任法官。不服该法院的裁决可上诉至拱顶法院〔Court of Arches〕和约克教省法院〔Chancery Court of York〕。

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originalia ([schwa]-rij-[schwa]-nay-lee-[schwa] or -nayl-y[schwa]). Hist. Records compiled in the Chancery and transmitted to the Remembrancer’s office in the Exchequer. • These records were kept from 1236 to 1837. Cf. RECORDA.

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revenue paper

revenue paper 〈英〉税收上诉案件一览表 保存在最高法院中央办公室王室财务纪事官部〔Queen’s Remembrancer’s Department of the Central Office of the Supreme Court〕,对所得税税收专员署〔Commissioners of Income Tax〕的决定和其他有关税收的决定提出上诉的案件的目录,列入其中的案件由大法官法庭〔Chancery Division〕的法官审理。

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de dote assignanda

de dote assignanda 〈拉〉寡妇地产分配令状 当国王的直封领臣去世时,官方查明他保有自由继承地产或限嗣继承地产,该封臣的遗孀可到文秘署〔chancery〕宣誓表明,如果没有国王的批准,她就不再结婚,这时她就可以取得上述令状,并能依此要求国王的复归财产管理官〔escheater〕将该遗孀之夫留下的寡妇地产〔dower〕分配给她。这些寡妇称为「王室寡妇」〔King’s widows〕。

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CC.abbr. 1. Circuit, city, civil, or county court. 2. Chancery, civil, criminal, or Crown cases. 3. CIVIL CODE.

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dedimus potestatem

dedimus potestatem (ded-[schwa]-m[schwa]s poh-tes-tay-t[schwa]m). [Law Latin “we have given power”] 1. A commission issuing from the court before which a case is pending, authorizing a person named in the commission to compel the attendance of certain witnesses, to take their testimony on the written interrogatories and cross-interrogatories attached to the commission, to reduce the answers

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Court of the Arches

Court of the Arches 〈英〉拱顶法院 是对坎特伯雷大主教教务总长法院〔Court of the Official Principal of the Archbishop of Canterbury〕的通称,因其最初在构建于拱顶柱上的圣玛丽勒鲍教堂〔church of St.Mary-le-Bow〕开庭而得名。该法院对所有宗教事务均有初审管辖权,其管辖权是通过侵占主教区的司法管辖权而获得;但其对遗嘱事务的管辖权经1857年《遗嘱检验法院法》〔Court of Probate Act〕转归遗嘱检验法院。自1963年起拱顶法院始成为坎特伯雷教省法院;作为上诉法院,它对坎特伯雷教省内的教区法院〔consistory courts〕判决均有上诉管辖权,可听取来自主教、副主教、执事长等的上诉。对该法院判决可上诉至枢密院司法委员会。坎特伯雷教省法院法官〔Dean of the Arches〕同时也担任约克教省法院法官〔Auditor of the Chancery Court of York〕。

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