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heresy (her-[schwa]-see), n. 1. Opinion or doctrine contrary to (usu. Catholic) church dogma. [Cases: Religious Societies 28.] 2. Hist. In England, an offense against religion, consisting not in totally denying Christianity, but in publicly denying some of its essential doctrines; an opinion on divine subjects devised solely by human reason, openly taught, and obstinately maintained.

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time price differential

time-price differential. 1. A figure representing the difference between the current cash price of an item and the total cost of purchasing it on credit. [Cases: Consumer Credit 4; Usury 32. C.J.S. Interest and Usury; Consumer Credit§§ 124–125, 280, 284–293.] 2. The difference between a seller’s price for immediate cash payment and a different price

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mere right

mere right. An abstract right in property, without possession or even the right of possession. — Also termed jus merum; merum jus; meer dreit. “The mere right of property, the jus proprietatis, without either possession or even the right of possession. This is frequently spoken of in our books under the name of the mere

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