Search Results for: TOTAL

stock split

The issuance of two or more new shares in exchange for each old share without changing the proportional ownership interests of each shareholder. • For example, a 3-for-1 split would give an owner of 100 shares a total of 300 shares, or 3 shares for each share previously owned. A stock split lowers the price […]

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market power

market power. The ability to reduce output and raise prices above the competitive level — specifically, above marginal cost — for a sustained period, and to make a profit by doing so. • In antitrust law, a large amount of market power may constitute monopoly power. See MONOPOLIZATION. Cf. MARKET SHARE . “In economic terms,

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par value stock

Stock originally issued for a fixed value derived by dividing the total value of capital stock by the number of shares to be issued. • The par value does not bear a necessary relation to the actual stock value because surplus plays a role in the valuation. [Cases: Corporations 62. C.J.S. Corporations §§ 126, 128,

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utter, adj. Complete; absolute; total (an utter denial). utter, vb. 1. To say, express, or publish (don’t utter another word until your attorney is present). 2. To put or send (a document) into circulation; esp., to circulate (a forged note) as if genuine (she uttered a counterfeit $50 bill at the grocery store). [Cases: Counterfeiting

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net profit

Total sales revenue less the cost of the goods sold and all additional expenses. — Also termed net revenue. Cf. gross profit. [Cases: Internal Revenue 3175; Taxation 980, 996. C.J.S. Internal Revenue §§ 107–108, 110, 112; Taxation §§ 1715–1716, 1732–1733.]

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