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impossibility of performance of contract

impossibility of performance of contract 合同的无法履行;合同履行不能 合同当事人在并非由于其过错而使合同履行成为不可能或完全不能实行〔totally impracticable〕的情况下,可据此免于履行义务的一项原则。作为免于履行的抗辩事由,是指由于下述情况而无法履行,例如:合同主体内容的破坏、履行所必须的人员的死亡、合同约定的履行行为成为非法等。合同履行的一般规则是,无论由于不可预见的情形使履行变得如何困难,承诺人必须要么履行义务,要么支付不履行的违约金,而「合同履行不能」的原则则是一个例外。尽管这一原则已涉及到许多不同种类的合同,但该原则的基本部分是该履行不能必须具有客观性而非仅为主观判断。现代合同法承认不能实行的事情在法律上视为不可能,而不能实行的事情则指必须以超常的或不合理的代价才能作出的事情。确定是否构成合同履行不能,至少须经过以下三个步骤:1发生了意外事件〔contingency〕;2意外事件发生的风险必须未依合同或惯例进行分配;3意外事件的发生已使合同的履行变成「商业上不能实行」〔commercially impracticable〕。

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operating profit

Total sales revenue less all operating expenses, no adjustment being made for any nonoperating income and expenses, such as interest payments. [Cases: Internal Revenue 3175; Taxation 980, 996. C.J.S. Internal Revenue §§ 107–108, 110, 112; Taxation §§ 1715–1716, 1732–1733.]

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cost depletion

cost depletion. Oil & gas. The recovery of an oil-and-gas producer’s basis (i.e., investment) in a producing well by deducting the basis proportionately over the producing life of the well. Treas. Reg. § 1.611–2. Cf. PERCENTAGE DEPLETION . “Under cost depletion, the taxpayer in an oil and gas property deducts the basis in the property

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tonnage (t[schwa]n-ij). 1. The capacity of a vessel for carrying freight or other loads, calculated in tons. — Also termed net tonnage. [Cases: Shipping 7. C.J.S. Shipping §§ 18–20.] 2. The total shipping tonnage of a country or port. 3. See tonnage duty under DUTY(4).

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decalvatio (dee-kal-vay-shee-oh). Hist. The act of cutting off a person’s hair to symbolize a total loss of honor. • Although some early legal historians interpreted this Germanic practice as scalping, a leading historian of the early 20th century insisted that it referred only to the cutting of hair. See Munroe Smith, The Development of European

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actuarial equivalent

actuarial equivalent. The amount of accrued pension benefits to be paid monthly or at some other interval so that the total amount of benefits will be paid over the expected remaining lifetime of the recipient. [Cases: Annuities 6; Pensions 131. C.J.S. Annuities §§ 13–14, 17–20; Pensions and Retirement Plans and Benefits §§ 69, 86.]

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