Search Results for: TOTAL

universitas juris

universitas juris (yoo-ni-v[schwa]r-s[schwa]-tas joor-is). [Latin] Roman & civil law. The whole of a person’s rights and liabilities; the totality of a person’s legal relations. “A universitas juris is a collection of rights and duties united by the single circumstance of their having belonged at one time to some one person.” Henry S. Maine, Ancient Law

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fifty per cent rule

fifty per cent rule 百分之五十规则 海上保险中确定推定全损〔constructive total loss〕的一项规则。按此规则,当被保险船舶或海运途中的货物等保险标的发生保险事故后,其实际全损〔actual total loss〕已经不可避免,或者为避免船舶发生实际全损所需支付的费用超过保险价值的,或者为避免货物发生实际全损所需支付的费用与继续将货物运抵目的地的费用之和超过保险价值的,构成推定全损。换言之,当保险标的的损失或修理费用等于或超过保险标的之保险价值的50%时,任何修理或避免措施都失去经济意义,因此构成推定全损。故称「百分之五十规则」。保险标的发生推定全损,被保险人要求保险按照保险人价值全额赔偿的,应当向保险人委付〔abandon〕保险标的;如被保险人不采取委付措施,则只能要求赔偿部分损失。被保险人是否选择委付措施,由其自主衡量决定。

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sum of the years’ digits depreciation method

A method of calculating the annual depreciation allowance by multiplying the depreciable cost basis (cost minus salvage value) by a constantly decreasing fraction, which is represented by the remaining years of useful life at the beginning of each year divided by the total number of years of useful life at the time of acquisition. —

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debt ratio

debt ratio. A corporation’s total long-term and short-term liabilities divided by the firm’s total assets. • A low debt ratio indicates conservative financing and thus usu. an enhanced ability to borrow in the future. — Also termed debt-to-total-assets ratio.

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