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arraignment, n. The initial step in a criminal prosecution whereby the defendant is brought before the court to hear the charges and to enter a plea. Fed. R. Crim. P. 10. Cf. PRELIMINARY HEARING; initial appearance under APPEARANCE. [Cases: Criminal Law 261–264. C.J.S. Criminal Law §§ 355, 357–360, 362–363.] — arraign, vb.

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stake, n. 1. Something (such as property) deposited by two or more parties with a third party pending the resolution of a dispute; the subject matter of an interpleader. [Cases: Interpleader 21. C.J.S. Interpleader §§ 30–31.] 2. An interest or share in a business venture. 3. Something (esp. money) bet in a wager, game, or

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misjoinder (mis-joyn-d[schwa]r). 1. The improper union of parties in a civil case. See JOINDER. Cf. DISJOINDER; NONJOINDER. [Cases: Federal Civil Procedure 387; Parties 85, 89. C.J.S. Parties §§ 212, 217.] 2. The improper union of offenses in a criminal case. [Cases: Indictment and Information 126. C.J.S. Indictments and Informations § 159.] MISKENNING miskenning (mis-ken-ing). [fr.

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summons n. 传票 法院要求某人到庭所使用的一种正式书面文件。现该词在英美诉讼中的使用有所不同。在美国,传票主要在下列情形使用:1在民事诉讼中,当原告起诉〔filing of the complaint〕后,法院书记官〔clerk〕签发传票,交执行官〔marshal〕或特别指定的人送达给被告,告知其原告已在该法院对其提起了诉讼,并要求其于指定日期到庭对原告的起诉作出答辩,否则,法院将会作出原告胜诉的缺席判决。因此,传票是开始一项民事诉讼的文件,法院通过传票的送达对当事人取得管辖权。关于传票的格式和内容,可参见《联邦民事诉讼规则》〔Fed.R.Civil P.4(b)〕;2在刑事诉讼中,对受到轻微犯罪〔petty offenses〕或交通事故犯罪〔traffic offenses〕指控的被告人,在不需逮捕的情况下,有权的司法官员(如治安法官〔magistrate〕)应检察官的请求,可签发传票,传唤被告人到庭就指控作出答辩。其格式和内容可参见《联邦刑事诉讼规则》〔Fed.R.Crim.P.4,9〕;3召集某人到法院履行陪审员义务;4传唤证人到庭作证。在英格兰,该词主要在下列几种意义上使用:1为特定目的传唤某人到庭或至某法官或治安法官面前的书面通知。2在高等法院,当事人向法官室法官或主事官〔judge or master in chambers〕提出的申请〔application〕。仅适用于一些次要的或通常无需开庭在法官室内即可处理的事务,如请求延长进行某行为的期限、请求披露和展示文件、给予有关程序方面的指示〔directions as to procedure〕等。在王座庭,某些申请必须先由主事官听审,其他的则由法官首先听审。对主事官的裁决不服的可上诉至法官室法官;对法官的裁决不服的,可上诉至分庭法庭〔Divisional Court〕。在衡平庭,所有申请一律先由主事官听审,对其裁决不服的任一当事人可将该申请提请法官室法官再次听审,称为adjourning the summons to the judge,法官也可将申请提交到法庭上辩论。3在高等法院开始一项民事诉讼的令状,包括传唤令〔writ of summons〕和初始传票〔originating summons〕(此外,高等法院的民事诉讼还可以初始申请〔originating motion or petition〕开始)。根据1965年《最高法院规则》〔RSC〕,传唤令和初始传票都必须按规定的格式和内容填写。 4在郡法院的诉讼中,起诉状〔plaint〕提交后,即应向被告人签发和送达传票,要求其于指定日期到庭对原告的请求作出答辩,随传票还可附上原告的诉求详述〔particulars of claims〕。如果传票不能及时送达,还可签发后续传票〔successive summons〕。在郡法院,传票还用于强令证人到庭,并可同时要求其披露所掌握的文件。5在治安法院,对受到刑事指控〔information〕或被要求偿债〔complaint〕或被提起其他诉讼者,法院通常以传票令其到庭。在苏格兰,传票是指民事诉讼中的原告〔pursuer〕提出其诉讼请求的首份诉状,采用令状的形式,在送达给被告前,须经最高民事法院印章处〔Signet Office of the Court of Session〕盖章〔passing the signet〕,其中要阐明其寻求法院给予的救济,陈述其事实根据〔condescendence〕以及有利的法律主张〔plea-in-law〕,并要求被告出庭和作出答辩。(→adjourned summons;statement of claim; writ of summons)

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oyer (oy-[schwa]r oroh-y[schwa]r). [fr. Old French oïr “to hear”] Hist. 1. A criminal trial held under a commission of oyer and terminer. See COMMISSION OF OYER AND TERMINER. 2. The reading in open court of a document (esp. a deed) that is demanded by one party and read by the other. 3. Common-law pleading. A

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exceptio 〈拉〉(古) (1)例外;除外 (2)(罗马法)异议 答辩的一种。指被告承认诉因的存在,但同时提出新的事实。如果这些事实被证明是真实的,将起到全部或部分地反驳原告主张的效果。因此,它和仅仅否认原告主张的抗辩〔traverse〕不同。这种答辩相当于普通法上的承认与规避答辩 。(→plea in confession and avoidance)

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