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Edictum Theodorici

Edictum Theodorici 〈拉〉狄奥多西法令集 意大利罗马政权势力衰败后的第一部法律汇集,由东哥特国王狄奥多西于公元500年在罗马颁布。共154条,内容包括从格里高列、海默真使徒和狄奥多西法典中抽出的法律规定,以及后来的《新律》〔Novels〕、保罗的《判例》〔Paul’s Sententiae〕等。它对哥特人和罗马人均适用。但哥特法律中未被修改的部分仍然有效。

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clayton act

Clayton Act. A federal statute — enacted in 1914 to amend the Sherman Act — that prohibits price discrimination, tying arrangements, and exclusive-dealing contracts, as well as mergers and interlocking directorates, if their effect might substantially lessen competition or create a monopoly in any line of commerce. 15 USCA §§ 12–27. [Cases: Monopolies 12, 17,

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common recovery

common recovery. Hist. An elaborate proceeding, full of legal fictions, by which a tenant in tail disentailed a fee-tail estate. • The action facilitated land transfer by allowing a potential transferee who was barred by law from receiving land to “recover” the land by suing the actual owner. Common recoveries, which were abolished early in

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charitable organization

charitable organization. Tax. A tax-exempt organization that (1) is organized and operated exclusively for religious, scientific, literary, educational, athletic, public-safety, or community-service purposes, (2) does not distribute earnings for the benefit of private individuals, and (3) does not participate in any way in political candidate campaigns, or engage in substantial lobbying. IRC (26 USCA) §

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price fixing

price-fixing. The artificial setting or maintenance of prices at a certain level, contrary to the workings of the free market. • Price-fixing is usu. illegal per se under antitrust law. See FIX(3). [Cases: Monopolies 17(1.7). C.J.S. Monopolies §§ 83–85, 87.] “Price-fixing agreements may or may not be aimed at complete elimination of price competition. The

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testifying expert

An expert who is identified by a party as a potential witness at trial. • As a part of initial disclosures in federal court, a party must provide to all other parties a wide range of information about a testifying expert’s qualifications and opinion, including all information that the witness considered in forming the opinion.

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special exception

special exception. 1. A party’s objection to the form rather than the substance of an opponent’s claim, such as an objection for vagueness or ambiguity. See DEMURRER. Cf. general exception (1) under EXCEPTION(1). [Cases: Pleading 228.14. C.J.S. Pleading § 233.] 2. An allowance in a zoning ordinance for special uses that are considered essential and

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