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ambassador. 1. A diplomatic officer of the highest rank, usu. designated by a government as its resident repre-sentative in a foreign state. • Ambassadors represent the sovereign as well as the nation and enjoy many privileges while abroad in their official capacity, including immunity. Ambassadors are distinguished from ministers and envoys, who represent only the

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government national mortgage association

Government National Mortgage Association. A federally owned corporation in the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development responsible for guaranteeing mortgage-backed securities composed of FHA-insured or VA-guaranteed mortgage loans. • The Association purchases, on the secondary market, residential mortgages originated by local lenders; it then issues federally insured securities backed by these mortgages. — Abbr.

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gibbet (jib-it), n. Hist. A post with one arm extending from the top, from which criminals are either executed by hanging or suspended after death as a warning to other potential offenders; a type of gallows. double gibbet. A gibbet with two arms extending from its top so that it resembles a capital “T.”

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plain language law

plain-language law. Legislation requiring nontechnical, readily comprehensible language in consumer contracts such as residential leases or insurance policies. • Many of these laws have genuinely simplified the needlessly obscure language in which consumer contracts have traditionally been couched. [Cases: Consumer Protection 6; Insurance 1773. C.J.S. Credit Reporting Agencies; Consumer Protection §§ 29–31, 33–39, 60–65; Insurance

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constructive treason

constructive treason 〈英〉推定叛国 一种学说,认定合谋实施可能危害国王生命的行为就是公开图谋杀害国王的叛国行为。该学说导致1795年英国通过了《叛国罪法》〔Treason Act〕。由于推定叛国试图凭借旁证〔circumstantiality〕而不是严格依照法律来定罪,因此对公共自由〔public freedom〕极为有害。

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