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common n. (1)共用权 地上权〔profit a prendre〕的一种形式,指一个或一个以上的人,共同享有另一人土地上利益的权利,如共同享用他人土地上自然产品或河流的权利。这种权利大部分通过时效〔prescription〕或授权〔grant〕产生。 (2)公用地;公地 为了城市居民的便利、娱乐而划拨的供公众使用的土地。 (3)共用地 受共用权支配的土地。 a. (4)公共的;共有的;共用的 (5)普通的;一般的;平常的

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usucapio (yoo-z[schwa]-kay-pee-oh), n. Roman & civil law. The acquisition of ownership by long possession begun in good faith; esp., the acquisition of ownership by prescription. • In classical law, the periods required were one year for movables and two for land. Under Justinian, the period was three years for movables and a minimum of ten

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epistulae (i-pis-tyoo-lee), n. pl.[Latin “letters”] Roman law. 1. Rescripts; esp., opinions given by the emperors in cases submitted to them for decision. 2. Opinions of juris consulti, such as Neratius, on questions of law in the form of letters to those consulting them. — Also spelled epistolae.

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adverse possession

adverse possession. 1. The use or enjoyment of real property with a claim of right when that use or enjoyment is continuous, exclusive, hostile, open, and notorious. • In Louisiana, it is the detention or enjoyment of a corporeal thing with the intent to hold it as one’s own. La. Civ. Code art. 3421. —

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light n. (1)光;光线;光明 (2)窗;取光孔 (3)采光权 指光线不受相邻建筑物的阻碍、遮蔽权;普通法中没有采光权的规定,但1832年《时傚法》〔Prescription Act〕规定,不间断地享受采光20年的老窗户,可取得永久的不能取消的采光权,通称老采光权〔ancient lights〕即20年以上老窗户,除非此项权利是经书面协议或契据同意而取得的;此项采光权仅指通常所需的采光,不涉及特殊用途的采光。

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lex atinia

lex Atinia (leks [schwa]-tin-ee-[schwa]). [Latin] Roman law. A law declaring that a prescriptive right cannot be acquired in stolen property. • It was enacted in the late third or early second century B.C. — Also termed Atinian law.

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epistolae 〈拉〉(罗马法)(复)批复;书信 1罗马皇帝对呈送给他们决定的案件所作的覆文或批示,即敕答〔rescript〕;2法律顾问,如涅拉体乌斯〔Neratius〕等,对向他们咨询的法律问题,以书信形式所作的答复。该词又可写作epistulae。

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lost grant

lost grant 权利转让契据遗失 这是一种法律拟制。在英格兰早期,地役权人主张地役权〔easement〕的,必须证明该权利系由权利转让契据所创设,或者其自人类无可记忆〔immemorial〕的时代起即享有该权利。但是,1623年《诉讼时傚法》〔Limitation Act〕规定以占有土地20年作为提起诉讼的时效期限,此后,法院采用20年期间作为地役权产生的充分的时效条件,其假设是:曾有一份地役权创设所需的权利转让契据,但已遗失。在1832年《时傚法》〔Prescription Act〕以后,该种权利转让契据遗失的假设已不具有重要意义,但它仍是地役权取得方法之一。这种因连续20年享有地役权从而认为权利转让契据已经遗失的假设是可反驳的〔rebuttable〕,即须以证据证明制作该权利转让契据为不可能。

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