Search Results for: RESCRIPT


分区法(城市规划) 英语:zoning laws (US) (urban planning) 法语:prescriptions du plan d’urbanisme 德语:Verordnungen hinsichtlich Bau/Benutzung von Immobilien 意大利语:regolamenti relativi allo sviluppo urbanistico 西班牙语:planificación urbana, normas urbanísticas

分区法(城市规划) Read More »

ne dominia rerum sint incerta neve lites sint perpetuae

ne dominia rerum sint incerta, neve lites sint perpetuae (nee d[schwa]-min-ee-[schwa] reer-[schwa]m sint in-s[schwa]r-t[schwa], nee-vee lI-teez sint p[schwa]r-pech-oo-ee). [Latin] Hist. Lest the ownership of things should remain uncertain or lawsuits never come to an end. • The phrase appeared in reference to the principle on which all actions prescribed after (usu.) 30 years. See PRESCRIPTION.

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dignity, n. 1. The state of being noble; the state of being dignified. 2. An elevated title or position. 3. A person holding an elevated title; a dignitary. 4. A right to hold a title of nobility, which may be hereditary or for life. “Dignities may be hereditary, such as peerages …, or for life,

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peremption (p[schwa]r-emp-sh[schwa]n), n. Civil law. A period of time fixed by statute for the existence of a right. • If the right is not exercised during this period, it is extinguished. Whereas prescription simply bars a specific remedy, peremption bars the action itself. Cf. PRESCRIPTION(1). See STATUTE OF REPOSE. [Cases: Limitation of Actions 1, 165.

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subscription, n. 1. The act of signing one’s name on a document; the signature so affixed. 2. Securities. A written contract to purchase newly issued shares of stock or bonds. — Also termed (in connection with stock) stock subscription. [Cases: Corporations 75. 1.] 3. An oral or a written agreement to contribute a sum of

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