
pignus (pig-n[schwa]s), n. [Latin “pledge”]

1. Roman & civil law. (ital.) A bailment in which goods are delivered to secure the payment of a debt or performance of an engagement, accompanied by a power of sale in case of default. • This type of bailment is for the benefit of both parties.

— Also termed pawn; pledge. See PIGNORATIO.

2. A lien. Pl. pignora or pignera.

pignus judiciale (pig-n[schwa]s joo-dish-ee-ay-lee). [Latin] Civil law. The lien that a judgment creditor has on the property of the judgment debtor.

pignus legale (pig-n[schwa]s l[schwa]-gay-lee). [Latin] Civil law. A lien arising by operation of law, such as a landlord’s lien on the tenant’s property.

pignus praetorium (pig-n[schwa]s pri-tor-ee-[schwa]m). [Latin “a magisterial pledge”] Roman law. A pledge given to a creditor by order of a magistrate.

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