act of God

act of God

act of God 天灾;不可抗力 指没有人力干涉,完全由自然力导致的事件。任何意外事故或严重伤亡事故,如果是由于不受人力控制或影响,也无人类参与,纯由自然力直接、单独作用造成的,并具有非任何程度的预见或审慎或适当程度的注意或努力,或在当时的情况下使用任何工具所能避免的特性,则可认为是不可抗力所致。也可指因不可抗拒的物理原因所导致的意外事故,如闪电、暴风雪、海上危险、龙卷风、地震等。

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act of God

An overwhelming, unpreventable event caused exclusively by forces of nature, such as an earthquake, flood, or tornado. • The definition has been statutorily broadened to include all natural phenomena that are exceptional, inevitable, and irresistible, the effects of which could not be prevented or avoided by the exercise of due care or foresight. 42 USCA

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