american rule

American rule. 1. The general policy that all litigants, even the prevailing one, must bear their own attorney’s fees. • The rule is subject to bad-faith and other statutory and contractual exceptions. Cf. ENGLISH RULE. [Cases: Costs 194.16; Federal Civil Procedure 2737. 1. C.J.S. Costs § 125.] 2. The doctrine that a witness cannot be […]

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American rule

American rule 美国规则 按传统的「美国规则」,除非法律规定或合同另有约定,胜诉方当事人也要付律师费,即各方当事人分别负担自己的律师费,但有例外,如在对方存在恶意、无理缠讼、轻率行事、或诉讼使得某确定集团的成员获得了实际利益,或存在其他情况时,胜诉方可免付律师费。此外,在关于民权的诉讼中,如果诉讼是无意义的、不合理的或无根据的,法院也可裁定胜诉的被告人免付律师费。

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