basic norm

basic norm

basic norm 基本规范 这是汉斯·凯尔森〔Hans Kelson〕纯粹法学理论中的一个重要概念。在凯尔森看来,基本规范是一个特定法律体系的基础,是具体法律制度或规范效力的来源。但基本规范的性质和起源却并非法律问题,不能由纯粹的理论来决定,相反,它是由对政治事实的接受所决定的,例如革命导致不同基本规范被接受,随之就会产生不同的法律制度。在实行成文宪法的国家,该成文宪法自生效起就是本国法律制度的基本规范。

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basic norm

In the legal theory of Hans Kelsen, the law from which all the other laws in a society derive. • Kelsen’s “pure theory of law” maintains that laws are norms. Therefore, a society’s legal system is made up of its norms, and each legal norm derives its validity from other legal norms. Ultimately, the validity

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